Things I learned today (Part 1)

Has she checked her Laundry basket for signs of wee wee.

The Big Fellow Michael Collins was 5 foot 8.


Average height was 5’5 in 1920

What a great time


It was a golden age for short arses.


Dev at 5’9 was considered very tall at the time

According to eye witnesses Dev was 6’3". From the @Tassotti math on display here that would make Collins 6’2". On balanced reflection I will go with Dev 6’2" and Collins 5’11".

Would you do that often yourself?

Would you be a Collins man? Did you know he was a quare

There’s no evidence Collins was a homosexual, and a lot of evidence he shagged a few upper crust female English aristocrats. The only claim that he was gay came from David Norris in his autobiography, so I would be cautious about the source.

In other news, I could care less whether Collins was straight or gay, he was a game changer in our struggle for independence. He was overconfident though and probably thought he could win over the IRA who rejected the treaty. Definitely not a politician as he signed his own death warrant.

Collins was a virgin when he died

avergae height is only 5’ 7’’ now apparently…find that hard to believe,

Does that include children?


Ah lovely. :clap:

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5’9 I think
Nutrition and better health care has resulted in 1cm increase every decade since 1900s in Western Europe
Ireland is still behind average

Anyone under 5’9 is a midget


Rumour has it the famine decimated the biggest of the Irish…

Jess Glynn the popular U.K. Singer is a carpet muncher that also likes men. @Tassotti posted her into the lovely ladies thread a few weeks back despite her looking like a young ginger Sylvester Stallone.
I was looking her up on YouTube earlier and she gave one interview with some black lad in which she practically threw herself at him right at the end.
It’s a bbc interview called chocolate or sex.

didnt think youtube allowed those


Sounds like she wanted both?