Things I learned today (Part 1)

“cuttin’ the rug”, as referred to in the stone classic “Down South Junkin’” refers to dancing, rather than something ruder, as I had always thought.

is that a didsbury thing?

What time are you stalking Michael Carrick tomorrow morning?

Collins sexual orientation shouldn’t really be debated.

He was from Cork so he was a cunt regardless.[quote=“anon7035031, post:2635, topic:17423, full:true”]
There’s no evidence Collins was a homosexual, and a lot of evidence he shagged a few upper crust female English aristocrats. The only claim that he was gay came from David Norris in his autobiography, so I would be cautious about the source.

In other news, I could care less whether Collins was straight or gay, he was a game changer in our struggle for independence. He was overconfident though and probably thought he could win over the IRA who rejected the treaty. Definitely not a politician as he signed his own death warrant.


Shouldn’t you be putting horses into the food chain?


Eric Dier is Ted Crokers grandson


Owen Coyle is managing in America now.

Emmanuel Eboue is a Sunderland player.

Steph Curry is deceptively tall, standing an impressive 6’3".

Hat tip to @Smark.

Hugh Jackman is 47 and his wife is 60. Pic for the lazy:

If ever there was a beard, its her.

There was an episode of Magnum PI called “Legends of the Lost Art” where Higgins tasked Magnum with retrieving a priceless ancient scroll from a fallen civilization, that could spell disaster if it should ever fall into the wrong hands. It was obviously a play on Raiders of the Lost Ark, the role that Selleck had to turn down due to his Magnum contract.

Wasnt Hugh a bit confused about which leg he was kicking with? or was that some national enquirer type story… cant fully recall.

Is Jack(ed off a)man an arse invader?

I couldnt say mate. There’s nothing that would suggest the cabaret and broadway star who is married to the woman over 10 years his senior since he was in his early 30’s just before his Broadway career took off with the two adopted children is anything but straight.

Hugh always struck me as an alright sort fwiw.

Fair play to him.

That TFK is a banned site on Emirates inflight wifi


That the Irish passport has the tune to the Irish National Anthem in it

Kenny Sansom is a raging alcoholic. Very sorry pictures of him across the papers.

Most likely the betting elements picked up by the filters.