Things I learned today (Part 1)

Harper Lee & Truman Capote were next door neighbours as kids.

Isnt that fucked up beyond belief?

She gets the thumbs up from me.

She was played by Catherine Keener in the film. I found both films a bit on the long and slow side.
But I’d watch Catherine Keener from one end of the day to the next, even if she is 57…


IT’S not often we think of spiders as superior to humans, but one particular species puts us males to shame.
The Madagascan Darwin’s bark spider is not only known for its extreme web sizes and producing the world’s toughest biomaterial, but it is a total stud in the bedroom.
A new study entitled ‘spider behaviours include oral sexual encounters’ discovered the species has a “rich sexual repertoire” and is keen to engage in marathon cunnilingus sessions with its female counterparts.
At first, this may not seem like strangest thing in the world, however scientists were quick to point out oral sex is an infrequent occurrence in the animal kingdom.
While mammals such as lemurs, lions, dolphins and bats are known to partake in such pleasures, the behaviour in spiders is exceedingly rare — only seen in widows.
Lead researcher Matjaz Gregoric said a two week study of the spiders discovered that the male species — who are 14 times lighter and 2.3 times smaller than the females — routinely took oral sex past foreplay.
“Oral sexual contact seems to be an obligate sexual behaviour in this species as all males did it before, in between, and after copulation, even up to 100 times,” he said in a statement.
Despite acting selflessly towards their lady lovers, things aren’t great for the lads with researchers observing they often fall prey to “sexual cannibalism” from the females.
Unfortunately, if the males can avoid being eaten after doing the deed, they are also known for engaging in “post-mating emasculation”, which means they bite off a portion of their reproductive organs within 24 hours of intercourse.

It’s not all bad news, with researchers discovering some males taking extra precautions and engaging in “mate binding” — the act of binding the giant female spider in silk to prevent her from gobbling up her lover during sex.
Uncertain with the exact reason why the spiders are so liberal with their bulk oral offerings, researchers first thought it may have been a function to avoid falling victim to cannibalism.
However, they were quick to disparage this hypothesis.
“This seems an unlikely function of oral sexual contact because males perform it with all females regardless of their aggressiveness, including the defenceless teneral ones,” the researchers wrote inScience Reports.
After much deliberation the researchers came up with two likely reasons for the behaviour, although they admit more research will be needed to provide proof.
“Oral sexual contact may signal male quality. This would imply the existence of cryptic female choice mechanisms, where females may bias paternity in favour of better quality males,” researchers wrote.
“Additionally, enzymes in the saliva could provide physiological advantage to the donor’s over rival’s sperm. This would be an adaptation for lowering sperm competition, and would function analogously to seminal toxins and aggressive sperm known in insects.”
Oh and if you were wondering what oral sex with spiders might look like, there is a lovely YouTube clip of arachnid porn below, which should totally be safe for work.

And just for you choco, you sick fucking deviant…


Safe Haven Baby Boxes Inc. is a 501©3 that was founded by Monica Kelsey who was abandoned as an infant. Monica has made it her personal mission to educate others on the Safe Haven Law and to do whatever it takes to save the lives of innocent babies from being abandoned. The Baby Boxes have been very successful in 3rd world countries and Monica believes that the reason it is is because it takes the face to face interaction out of the surrender. These women love their children and they want to do what’s best for the child but they don’t want to have their faces seen. The baby boxes takes the face to face interaction out of the surrender and protects the mother from being seen. Safe Haven Law provides No Shame, No Blame, No Names.

Safe Haven Baby Boxes have been introduced in the State of Indiana as an extension of the current Safe Haven Law. What we are finding is some women want complete anonymity and are dropping off their newborns at the doors of fire stations and hospitals without doing the face to face interaction. In one situation a newborn baby boy was placed at the entrance of a hospital in a card board box and when the child was finally found the child was deceased. Safe Haven Baby Boxes allow a mother to place her unwanted child in the baby box that are outside selected fire stations. These boxes have a heating and cooling unit and are equipped with ADT trips so emergency personal will be notified within 30 seconds that there is a newborn placed in the box. The child will then be picked up by EMS within 3-5 minutes. The current Safe Haven Law will not be changed it will only be an extension for the current law and will give women a last resort.

That’s very sad that there was a requirement for that product

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Still better than the alternative

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I’m wondering if my wife would fit into it.




I know mine wouldn’t.


Sure if she was chopped up you’d surely get rid of the torso in there.
I always find the torso is the worst bit to bury.

I always suspected you be the type of lad who would abduct a woman walking home from work on her own if you thought you’d get away with it, you just have that way about you, that posting style

The previous post was a bit of a giveaway alright


I’m not too fussy Emma. She could be walking to work, or anywhere for that matter.
Rapists can’t be choosers.

Jesus! He fairly chomped the box off her. :clap:

Platinis son in law wrote the Europa League ‘anthem’

Joe Cole (34) now togs out for the Tampa Bay Rowdies.

The full name of University of Dublin, Trinity College is as follows:

“Provost, Fellows, Foundation Scholars and the other members of Board, of the College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin”

:crown: + :book:

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George foreman, named all his sons George