Things I learned today (Part 1)

Finoaā€™s became Jimmy Kā€™s didnā€™t it

May have. Iā€™d have been gone by then.

What about Randall Ogā€™s or keenans over on broadway

It was the roaring forties, fionas and a few others. Broadway was the big Irish scene then. Drank in all of them. Tbh fionas on Broadway or just off it was my favourite. Small and quiet it was by then as the drinkers moved to woodlawn, which was like an Irish Street that the Disney corporation designed.

Woodlawnā€™s a cunt of a spot you may as well be living in some village in the Midlands not NY

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Well said, itā€™s a place full of apes from places like Leitrim, Offaly and the north, a cunt of a spot is right

Swiss voters have rejected by a wide margin a proposal to introduce a guaranteed basic income for everyone living in the wealthy country after an uneasy debate about the future of work at a time of increasing automation.

Thereā€™s a bunch of nettles and thorny bushes across from my house you donā€™t want to fall into with shorts and a t-shirt on getting the small fellas soccer ball.


This is 3 years old, but I only saw it today. Putin is a proper leader.

ā€˜He was quite a treacherous dude, one has to say," Putin said of Cromwell.

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Stalin had the advantage of weapons of mass destruction. Both were deluded psychopaths of the same cloth.

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Owens was banned week after Olympics for breaching his amateur status

In Black and white - book about Owens and Joe Louis is worth a read

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Iā€™ve read that book, very interesting indeed,
You probably know theres a new movie coming out about Jesse and 1936, Iā€™m looking forward to it but probably wont get around to seeing it for a couple of years.
Bolt would have 9 inches on Jesse but apparently he was the perfect sprinter.

Have you watched the Ben Johnson documentary 9.79

Ben reckons he could run 9.40 on a modern track etc

I havenā€™t seen that, I wouldnā€™t have thought the advances in running tracks since 88 have been huge though, I must be wrong. Jesse Owens ran on cinder tracks which wouldnā€™t have had any bounce at all.
Itā€™s a fascinating topic, the Olympic 100m final remains one of the best events in all of sport.

Carl Lewis was no angel himself!

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Failed a test before 84 olympics so they invented a derogation to clear him to run

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Prick of the highest order. The epitome of 'murican sports at its best and worst. Mary whiny decker tog filler Slaney another prime example.

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I never liked her, even as a young lad in 84 her whining left a sour taste, consequently I love this photograph, apologies for the quality but I couldnā€™t find it on the web


An unreal olympics despite the soviet bloc ban

A lad in a jet pack flying over the Collisseum, John Treacy and Lionel Richie closing it with all night long all watched on breakfast tv on rte at a time when rte started broadcasting usually at 5pm

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I remember it well, I watched all that Olympics in Youghal while on holidays (see other thread :slight_smile:), the old fella woke me up to watch Treacy and Spedding joust for the silver medal, Mary Lou Rettan etc.