Things I learned today (Part 1)

No just the phone bill. I was wondering who was paying it…

The Bank certainly feels I should. He was most insistent.

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Have you any other money with them?

Our business account. But they could hardly hit that? Limited company with another director also. I’ll pay up in due course.

Make them sweat.

I had a great battle with Ulster Bank over an interest free overdraft they gave me as a student.

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Jesus i’d some battle on my hands as well with Ulster bank over that overdraft. I got more letters in the post.

I owed them about 400e for a finish, they’ve stopped sending me stuff now…

George Harrison’s grandfather was from Wexford.


If stuck for an oven glove in a hurry a nappy (clean) makes an excellent substitute.


They’re also handy if you’re having a few cans and the toilet is all the way over there.


You’re a fucking animal. Would you not just piss in the turf bucket instead?

I prefer the Jim Royle type posture when sitting at my desk. Seat down low, legs stretched out and slouched back. I like to give the impression of being sloppy, there’s less expected of me that way. Had reason to move desk yesterday and the seat I moved to was up to it’s highest and straight at the back. Turns out it is the perfect position to place one’s considerable girth on the desk, taking much needed pressure off my back.

That lad on Facebook what loves Clare hurling is from Kerry.

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That lad on Facebook what loves Clare hurling is from Kilgarvan

Can someone tell me if them Nature Valley Crunchy bars are healthy or not ??

And no, i can’t be arsed looking at the ingredients and all that shite. Gibberish to me.

No, sugar.

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Good man, that fucks that so.

Bought a box of them for 2.50

Headshot. Look at the back of a bar and see where it says ‘carbohydrates, of which sugars’. Probably around 11 or 12g. Use the 3g/tsp conversion and you can see there are 3 to 4 teaspoons of sugar in each bar. Cunts o things.

Ha ha I bought a few of the choc and peanut protein ones at the weekend. Potent things.

That women should not longer be allowed mobile phones.
Instead they should be made use phone boxes and made stand there until the said intention of phone call rings back.

3.01 pm Missed call from Mrs IM along with voice message to phone back.
3.01 and 30 seconds. Return call to Mrs IM. 3.03 pm repeat. 3.05pm repeat.
4.30 pm. Received call from Mrs IMary " We’re you looking for me love"
Have arranged meeting with John Mc Guinness at his clinic on Saturday morning.
Subject. Introduction of legislation to that grants immunity to any man who either kills or causes grievous bodily harm to his misses for the reasons outlined above


Dirk Kuyt is still playing ball.