Things I learned today (Part 1)

We all get mugged off good and proper at Christmas mate. Itā€™s worth it though.

Vouchers mate.

The good wife bought some sort of frock today with a hundred bucks knocked off.

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Ah yeah. I was at a loose end today for an hour. I bought her a laptop. Same one was for sale today at 150 notes less. Shit happens

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Thatā€™s why you donā€™t get your presents in Cavan till the 28th.


Or be cute about it. Next Christmas in Cavan is already sorted


(did Julio take runt along?)

WTF is a minimoon?

A holiday that snowflakes go on straight after their wedding before coming home and then blowing all their wedding money presents on an over indulgent holiday to some 5 star all inclusive resort in some exotic location.

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if this is true then @Julio_Geordio position on this forum is untenable

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As an auld fella said to me over the Christmas, Snowflakes*, they have everything, and they have fucking nothing.

*He didnā€™t use snowflakes.


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Driving up to Dublin today and not in a rush as first meeting was 11am.
Tubbers had Siobhan, a uni lecturer, who called in to complain that she has a flurry of snowflakes in her classes who require spoon-feeding. She would fit in on TFK.

Siobhan your knickers, itā€™s cold outside

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Siobhan your knickers, your mother has just come in the door.

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Thats an alright sort right there. Sheā€™s dead fucking right about their inability to communicate effectively.

Tommy Carrā€™s young fella is giving professional tennis a go.

Iā€™m tipping him for the top. Heā€™s our best prospect in a long time. Move over Sam Barry.

He could be the next Conor Niland

The prime minister of Papua New Guinea is a gentleman by the name of Peter Oā€™Neill.

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Heā€™s no gentleman