Things I learned today (Part 1)

Thereā€™s a place called Falls Road in Shankill south Dublin. A puzzler for the 'Rastoolers.

No one will step on them

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They are also the worlds largest manufacturer of tyres.

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Thats a dinger of a fact.

Limerick is full of useless cunts that donā€™t know how to drive around a roundabout.


They have @TreatyStones heart broke sure

Iā€™ll be honest, I let road traffic incidents get to me more than I should.


I had a crash two weeks back where a driver braked late and skidded in. Dry road and good daytime conditions.

Total repair cost was 12k.

Not my hit but that has calmed me down a lot on the road.

Was he on his phone or something? 12 k is a fair rap close to a write off

Man City have scored 3 times as many goals at the London Stadium as West Ham

There is a short term surface car park for T2 in the airport, so you donā€™t have to endure that hateful multi story. Just past set down in departures.

Been there for nearly a year. Very handy altogether, unless itā€™s raining

Thanks for sharing that with the board @Mac


Makes sense that a team who have played at a soulless converted athletics stadium with no atmosphere since 2003 would feel far more at home at another soulless converted athletics stadium than a team who only moved there at the start of this season.

Different players, but nice try I guess.

Friday Night 80s on Today FM is no more. :anguished:

I think its been gone 6 months at this stage. An absolute travesty.

Loved listening to songs like Foreignerā€™s - waiting for a girl like you and The cars - whoā€™s going to drive you home on the long drive home form Dublin of a Friday evening.

Is there anything sacred anymore?

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