Things I learned today (Part 1)

Even in 1987?

Of course.

How can it be common knowledge if itā€™s rugby related?


Itā€™s an amusing anecdote told about the silly/bizarre things that happens in Irish sport/politics Mr Khunt

Lovers of TROT festival are generally familiar with it also.

Maybe they should use GTSQ as the Irish national anthem at all rugby matches? I also heard they postponed some club game in Munster because it clashed with King Georgeā€™s funeral. If the queen was to die on the same day as a Munster- Ulster game would the game be called off?

I would expect so.

Leinster v Munster would be interesting in that event.

How to tighten a loose tap from underneath a bathroom sink.

Also how to disconnect (and reconnect) a tap above the penny valve.

Also (finally) how to swear just low enough so that the rest of the house cane hear you before you learn the other two things Iā€™ve just mentioned and youā€™re covered in water.


rugby football is the only truely inclusive sporting organisation on the Island of Ireland

@ChocolateMice went through that ordeal with the taps towards the twilight of the summer months.

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Iā€™d say you havenā€™t hands to wipe your arse.

Keith Duffy is a ā€˜musicianā€™.

Incorrect. The GAA is also a very inclusive organisation. They named one of the associationā€™s most important trophies after a Protestant. Thereā€™s also the small matter of the GAA inviting the RUC/PSNI Gaelic football team to play the Gardai in Croke Park. Croke Park being the location where a similar police force to the RUC, butchered innocent people attending a GAA match . A small but noble gesture for cross border relations for this great organisation.

Why could you not operate at normal volume? Are you one of those fellas who strips houses of copper?

Untill very recently members of the RUC and British army were banned from playing gga, as well as homosexuals. GGA grounds are named after terrorists aswell, it is not a very inclusive organisation. You could also not play soccer ā€œa foreign gameā€ the muldoons used to call it

Rule 21 was another example of the GAAā€™s willingness to change. Another noble gesture from this great organisation.

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Children Juhy.

Did members of the RUC and British Army want to play homosexuals? Who banned them from doing so?

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the gga had to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century

donā€™t pick your nose after chopping red chillis