Things I learned today (Part 1)

It’s awful

Orson Welles worked in the Gate Theatre as a teenager

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It’s a great show and it’s not dated at all really in the stuff it deals with etc as it’s always the same things happening in the World really.
But it is very dated in the fact that it’s portraying a president who only wants to do what is right, and everyone on the staff is honest and noble. Even the republicans are portrayed as somewhat reasonable.


British soldiers identified each other during D-Day landings by calling out “fish” - the response/password was “chips”. Anything else and they’d have had theirs.

Flash and Thunder I thought?

You wouldn’t have lasted long.


Have you been living under a rock?

That was the Screaming Eagles

In reality, we’re all living on a rock.

Some of us above the surface

We all are. What are you not getting?

It’s actually a brilliant glimpse of his very real belief in American exceptionalism. Unintentional reveal on Sorkin’s part. The scales fall from his eyes a little bit for the newsroom. But only a bit

That was the yanks?

I’m not sure what the Canadians, the third country to storm the beaches used

Fuck the Brits, I’m an American

Seems we would have to have used fish and chips too with the hapless limey bastards

I liked newsroom, it is what it is, but it is some pile of preachy shite at the same time.

American exceptionalism

I’m not your guy buddy
I’m not your buddy friend

The Newsroom started on a level that could never be sustained, Jeff was class in it. But between that and Sunset, it was all downhill from TWW.

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I liked sunset too. But I’d imagine if you are a yank all Sorkin is just one long ultra woke whine. Be like watching a series based on a Soc Dem Taoisech for an Irish person

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