Things I learned today (Part 1)

…meanwhile @anon67715551 forges an Internet career by making derisory comments about @glenshane’s fastidiousness in regard to cutting briars. The ironing

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Talented fella is Gronk

Interesting autocorrect in fairness



There are over 2,500 caves in the Yorkshire Dales, created mostly from carboniferous limestone.

John Denver released three albums in 1975.

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What’s the connection between Mike Denver and the caves?


Great name for a band though.

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John Denver releasing 3 albums in 1975 is one of the less interesting things I’ve learned in this thread.


There’s quite a lot of work to done for putting out one album in a calendar year, nevermind three. It was an astounding achievement.

Were they any use?

The Beatles regularly did two a year (13 in total from 1963-70)

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‘Windsong’ contained the hits “I’m Sorry” and “Calypso”, got to No 1 in several countries including the Billboard charts.

The ‘Spirit’ and ‘Rocky Mountain Christmas’ albums were less successful.

Sounds like he was trying to keep The Man in the record company happy.

He was at the height of his fame then, strike while iron is hot and all that. Although in time came down to earth with a bang.

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I think it was the sea he crashed into actually….


He probably rushed them…

Shostakovich put a knocking sound into his symphonies to represent the constant threat of th KGB knocking on his door. He lived in constant fear of being imprisoned /killed and kept a packed suitcase in his room in case he had to leave in a hurry.


The English word “street” comes from the Latin “strata” which in times of antiquity referred to any paved road and had no particular association with urban thoroughfares. This association only commenced in the Middle Ages.

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Diego Costa and Hulk are playing alongside each other now