Things I learned today (Part 1)


Eddie Van Halen played the guitar solo on Michael Jackson’s “Beat It”.

Rick Derringer played the guitar solo on “Weird” Al Yankovic’s “Eat It”


They leave Cody out each September

Tracksuit lives in a reasonably well to do area, one of the most so in Limerick anyway


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Aw man

There is a tobacco product called Snus that originated in Sweden that many footballers are addicted to. You stick a teabag full of it under your lip. Neil Lennon is a user.

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Makes me dizzy

Never heard of the stuff. Must be like snuff from days of yore.

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Very similar. Put it between your lip and teeth.

There was a thing called Skoal Bandits years ago that were like this.

Tis rotten stuff. Burn the lip off you

It’s fucking mad shit. Chewing tobacco in a tiny pouch. I did 3 at once about a year and a half ago and puked my ring up.

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Chewing tobacco used to be a big thing in major league baseball back in the day, the great Lenny Dykstra was stone mad for it,

They are all at it in Sweden. It’s not a pleasant habit.

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It’s rotten stuff. They leave the used lumps of it in ashtrays when finished, looks like some form of human filth

Is it addictive?


Succession and Peep Show have the same writer

I see where they got the idea for the Venom movie.He even looks like Tom Hardy.