Things I learned today (Part 1)

Hundreds of millions of Chinese men survived the sinking mate


By God….Like duly awarded.

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I’m wondering here should they be called Head Camps and not Base Camps?

Imagine the lad who discovered that. You’d want to be fucking crazy.

You’d get the willies just thinking about what can go wrong


Imagine getting down there, and being only halfway done. Much more terrifying a prospect that scaling Everest I reckon.

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Today is Thanksgiving in Canada.

And Columbus Day in the States

Always the second Monday in October. I remember being in Prince Rupert or one of those places in BC one year and not a fucking place opened. Think my dinner was a few bars from a vending machine.

Waiting for Cheasty to attack you …

A great day for sure.

Volcanic eruptions have a climatic cooling effect.

Let’s build more roads.

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A supervolcano has the potential to finish us. And the thing is, it’s not something that might happen - it’s only a matter of time before one erupts.


It’s amazing we made it this far.

At one stage after an eruption there were about 3000 humans left I read once.


Toba eruption. They reckon that, within months, average global temperatures had dropped somewhere between 5 and 15 degrees.

We’d need at least 3 SUVs each to get over that one.


Sounds like exactly what the earth needs.

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@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is going to do a volcano dance at Lake Taupo hoping for some of the sweet sweet ash to cool the Earth.

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There was no summer the year after the Tambora Eruption in 1815

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