Things I learned today (Part 1)

The Year Without A Summer. Turner painted all those sunsets cause the sunsets were savage with all the dust in the air.

Well worth reading up on the topic. Lots of abrupt climate changes and resulting famines throughout history have been caused by volcanic eruptions. Did you have a sudden, devastating famine way back before the middle ages? Probably caused by a volcano in some place no one had ever heard of like New Zealand.


No, I wasn’t alive back then

T1 was a different place back in them days.

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In theory could ya detonate a tactical Nuke or two in places to put dusht into atmosphere to cool the planet

The first public swimming pool in Ireland was in longford.

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What year was that?

The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991 cooled global temperatures by 0.5c in the years afterwards.

Sulphur dioxide.


Late sixties. Not sure of exact year.

There is a town in Florida called Spuds.


The lee baths were there in the 30s. The swimming pool on the ennis Road was there a long time too

Outdoor baths. Not indoor public swimming pools. Sure ther we’re baths loads of places.

You never specified the indoor part

It’s twinned with Mashhad in Iran.

Do a bit of Google investigating there to satisfy yourself.

I’d guess 1965. St.Mel’s inmates were frogmarched to it once a term in the hopes some of us would drown and they wouldn’t have to feed us.


A public bath stealthily introduced as a swimming pool

Keith Gillespie is still playing football

The US Treasury only stopped paying the last US Civil War pension in …2020


John Tyler was President of the USA 20 years before Lincoln. One of his grandchildren is still alive.


That’s incredible seeing as John Tyler was born in 1790. Maybe they’re vampires

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