Damien Duff has a son called Woody
It’s the pits now. An anti vax mouthpiece as well.
I’m stunned anyone references it at all
That Hasbulla ‘kid’ is 18
How far do you reckon you could kick him nfl punter style?
Chay, as in Chay Bowes is pronounced Shay
or as I pronounce it ‘who’
Bernard Dunne is friends with Davy Fitz.
Both are members of the angry little man club
The IRFU blackguarded Eddie
Ireland wore the orange kit twice, the second time against Mexico in a friendly in 1998
It’s so shit it would nearly sell well if they rebooted it
Well funny you say that…
Scottish WUMs
The Fr. Ted characters Colm “I hear your a racist now, Father” and Alan (Judge/MC of the King of the Sheep competition) were played by the same actor, Eamonn Rohan.
Fucking hell
That’s not bad if they got rid of the manky SKY sponsorship on the front