Things I learned today (Part 1)

You’re another annoying little fly- You think you’re being funny but you’re not, you’re just another dullard who will be going on ignore soon unless you can up your game. If you’re gonna go to the bother of setting up another alias at least make it interesting.

Can I pop along mate? I may have mentioned before I’m half interested in joining the Liverpool bandwagon if there’s any hint of success. I don’t see any need for busting student heads though.

It’s almost as if MBB were trying to emulate Tassoti…

It’s so frustrating that we will never know the truth, isn’t it? Who ever the wacky culprit is, they really are having a big laugh at our expense

the 9/11 memorial place a white rose in the name of the victims on the memorial on the day of their birthday and send an email and a photo to the family

I said it months/years ago, 9/11 was a conspiracy hatched by florists.

The word florist always reminds me of this scene


courtesy of @Fagan ODowd - loungecore

Choco agreeing with and seeking solace from glas, it’s been a torrid week for him.
Chin up buddy, tomorrow’s a new day.

Similar posting style too, I’m calling it, MBB = Rimmer. What a failure.


You don’t have to be young to stay in a “Youth Hostel”. :confused:

Take a night away from the keyboard cm. it’ll do you good, don’t let a stranger from the internet ruin your weekend.


Here MBB, this @glasagusban faggot things I’m you :smiley:

Get to fuck? Your posting style is far too intelligent and rare to be me mate, but keep up the good work, I like the cut of your gib.


The Sigerson Cup “weekend” formerly consisted of three days of consecutive matches, not two. This was until February 1990, when Dublin University (whose star player was one Joseph Brolly) hosted the tournament, and the clubhouse of Dublin University Boat Club (of which I am a former member) was well and truly trashed by unruly footballers during a social event connected with the tournament, causing thousands of pounds worth of damage in the process. This behaviour was judged to be out of order, and thus the number of participating teams in the finals weekend was halved as punishment to the wider inter-varsities GAA fraternity, and to lessen the risk of such an incident occurring in the future.

Lot of (adopted) Chinese kids celebrating Chinese New Year. Funny to see kids with Irish accents in Chinese dress but nice all the same to see a connection toThe culture

How low exactly the profit margins on PC’s are. I knew they were low but weren’t expecting them to be this low:

Lenovo is the world’s biggest PC maker, whose PC division managed operating margins of 5.4% in the three months to the end of December according to itsfinancial report; that means for every $100 of revenue from PCs, it kept $5.40 (£3.50) as profit (once taxes and other exceptionals are dealt with). Lenovo’s average PC sold for $570 (£371) in the fourth quarter, so its per-PC profit was $30.78.

That’s well ahead of Asus ($394 average PC price, per-PC profit $18); only third-quarter figures are available for Acer (average PC price $339, profit $4.37) and HP (average price $580, profit $23.90). Dell hasn’t published public figures since going private, though its consumer PC division often struggled to break even.