Things I learned today (Part 1)

I’m not religious but I find the history of the gospels very interesting.

John Halfpenny is Sean Og O hAilpin’s real name.

John Halpin… I would have thought?

Well it’s gotta be young John for a start anyway.

In some places it got Anglicised to Halpeny and Halfpenny, this was esp true up north, which I believe is where his auld lad is from (‘not a hurling stronghold’).

A screamer

Take a look at the gnostic gospels Glas, they’re fairly interesting to read up on, they were written far closer to the time of Jesus as well “apparently”. I wouldn’t be religious in the slightest but find that time in history interesting as well.

Apparently so

I will. The most interesting thing is tracing where the four boys got their stories that they wrote in the gospels. 3 of them have a few hundred of the same verses, copied from a fifth gospel called the Q gospel (for some reason). One was mostly written down from Peter.

The gospels were then hand picked sure by the Catholic Church, and we all know that was never a good thing with regards to females in the church etc

Ah ffs lads tis common knowledge for the last 10 years that Travolta is an arse tickler.

Arse pirate it seems rather then tickler

This appears to be the earliest Biblical reporting of a trade union fuck-up. I’m envisaging Pontius Pilate as a modern day Jack O’Connor, beard and all.

Do most priests/scholars not accept that Jesus didn’t actually rise/resurrect but that it was figurative?

The theory for this obviously came from worshiping the Sun in pre Christian times?

Yes. Now you have it. 21st of Dec- for three days the sun is at it’s lowest point then rises again. The Celts invented it, therefore the bible is Irish and Jesus was in the ra.

I dunno if the Celt’s invented it to be honest pal, but judging by many pictures of Jesus and Mary, the Sun plays a huge part in Christianity.

[QUOTE=“The Most Infamous, post: 1118139, member: 1783”]I dunno if the Celt’s invented it to be honest pal, but judging by many pictures of Jesus and Mary, the Sun plays a huge part in Christianity.[/QUOTE]

Gerry Adams is Jesus reincarnated. Praise be to god.


[QUOTE=“Arseboxin, post: 1118005, member: 423”]

A screamer[/QUOTE]

Thanks for destroying my of my hero’s from the 70’s. Fucking hell.