Things I learned today (Part 1)

Always thought that too but flicked through a few pages of his book earlier today and saw that he was christened John Halfpenny.

There is historical evidence of Jesus’ crucifixion and burial

Early letters all mention empty tomb and Jews had no expectation of rising from the dead until end of the world. Culturally they didn’t believe in a resurrection but something early on made them mention it

Early letters mention disciples meeting Jesus after resurrection and something drove them on rather than walk away defeated post crucifixion

[QUOTE=“TheUlteriorMotive, post: 1118224, member: 2272”]There is historical evidence of Jesus’ crucifixion and burial

Early letters all mention empty tomb and Jews had no expectation of rising from the dead until end of the world. Culturally they didn’t believe in a resurrection but something early on made them mention it

Early letters mention disciples meeting Jesus after resurrection and something drove them on rather than walk away defeated post crucifixion[/QUOTE]
That’s great but he didn’t actually rise from the dead, it’s only a story they tell the little people.

Jockeys have to ride 10 winners over fences to be eligible to ride in the Grand National - anyone know how long this has been in place?

Up with the child since 7 watching Sky Sports News?

I think that’s a rule that was always there for conditional jockeys. Amateurs are different.
Once a conditional goes below his 5lb claim he can ride the national ???
P Bowen needed his double to qualify yesterday didn’t he

Nope, was reading ATR before heading out for a 50km cycle

[QUOTE=“Brimmer Bradley, post: 1118254, member: 2839”]I think that’s a rule that was always there for conditional jockeys. Amateurs are different.
Once a conditional goes below his 5lb claim he can ride the national ???
P Bowen needed his double to qualify yesterday didn’t he[/QUOTE]

Bowen has nearly 40 winners but only 10 over fences i think

You’d think it might have figured out how to become less shit after all that time

Not a city

The first step is a snappy logo perhaps.

I’d say the first step is a bulldozer.

Fuck off.

I wonder is Waterford featured on the TV3 weather map these days. I seem to remember a high profile campaign by a prominent Waterford individual to ensure it was.

Don’t be tetchy.

Edd from Wheeler Dealers designed Fr. Jacks wheelchair for the “Magic Road” scene. And did the work/wrecking on the Rover after Ted tries to mend the small dent.

Sidenote: the bit where they decide to leave it for the night is flawless comedy, it really is.

The music for the Champions League Anthem was written by Handel.
It’s an extract from a piece that is played/sung at the coronation of every British monarch.

[QUOTE=“Kid Curry, post: 1124012, member: 1397”]The music for the Champions League Anthem was written by Handel.
It’s an extract from a piece that is played/sung at the coronation of every British monarch.[/QUOTE]

“Zadok the Priest” I believe

That Ger loughnane didn’t in fact die in 2011.
I never followed up on the story after I read on twitter that night that he had passed away and only realised now it was a cruel sick hoax.
Go Ger. Still alive.