Things I learned today (Part 1)

My brother used to deliberately do this to piss off women in his office.

Billy the Kid was a Gaeilgeoir…

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It’s called being a parent.

So I was told

All roads do lead to Rome

Italians are far too fond of one-way road systems

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The Burger King in Dublin Airport serves Budweiser.

Apparently Michael Collins told Fitzalan to stick his stopwatch up his arse when Fitzalan complained about Collins arriving seven minutes late when the Brits were handing over Dublin castle.

Italian drivers get a bad rap but I find them to be most courteous.

Hit any scooters yet?

No! I expect to see some in Rome today but am not driving.

Are you having a nice holiday, mate?

Good so far, thanks for asking mate.

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I learned yesterday that there at least 2 old fat Cork lads who dress up like gimps in Red sombreros etc. There were two of them near me on the town end terrace in Semple.

Is is possible there are more than two?

Also - sidenote - Cork hurling fans are fairly obnoxious


Was sitting behind a cork skanger couple in the stand. Your man was missing for the first 10 minutes of the match, eventually he stormed in with chips and burgers and roared at her ‘shove those chips up your hole now’ Poor bitch was mortified. He went missing for the whole of the second half too, my feet were delighted.


@mickee123 had a lobotomy!

The gay sister is no longer gay and has a boyfriend now.

Ffs sake. How long are we after the referendum.

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Huh?? Fire up a pic.

Gay for years pal. Now not gay.

I used to use it to relate to gay people I met. They will see wedding photos on social media and think I was some form of charlatan telling untruths.


So it is a life ‘choice’ ?

Dunno. Women are nuts.

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