Things I learned today (Part 2)

manchester united soccer GIF


Poor auld Phil. Not his fault they gave him a massive contract. He wasn’t so bad at the start. He was a mainstay of the first team for a good 4 or 5 years and in England squads the works. Bit of the Harry Maguires about him


SAF predicted him to be a great, a few more years under him he wouldnt have falling so much

It is very hard to be a good centre half in a bad team.

This is how it feels to be city
This is how it feels to be small
You signed Phil Jones
We signed Kun Aguero
Kun Aguero
Kun Aguero


Glenne Headly Of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels fame died in 2017 and was formerly married to John Malkovich. I feel like this was something I should have known

Nancy Pelosi’s husband is gay and was having an affair with either a lover/prostitute instead of the reported break in.

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At that age?

I know. They can do everything over there. The row was about drugs too which I thought would be a bit iffy over a certain vintage, Keef Richards aside.

And he cunningly broke into the house by smashing a window and brought his own hammer in case he was going to have a row about drugs.



The prosecution rests.

And may go back to Reddit for some more salacious facts.

Have you any interest in magic beans?

Depends if you accept crisp 50’s or not.

All I can promise is that I won’t gloat if and when the truth manages to squeeze itself out via the liberal media.

There are only 3,500 people on the dole in Co. Cork

The hammer belonged to Pelosi, don’t bring a hammer, etc

Born again Christians believe halloween is evil.

If you bring a Firestick from the UK yourself, does it work ok here or are there any complications?

Would be fine. Might prevent you from wathcing some things on Amazon Prime (unless you change the location in settings) but for running any other apps it would be just the same.

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