Things I learned today (Part 1)

Celebrity spotting is a form of stalking.

Letā€™s be careful out thereā€¦ā€¦

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Seamus Coleman and Dessie Farrell are first cousins.

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show your work.

Not sure if that nails it

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swing and a miss laz

And we played the first thing that came to our heads,
Just so happened to be
The best song in the world,
It was the best song in the world.

anthony head, giles from buffy the vampire slayer and smoothie from the gold blend ads, is the little brother of murray head, of one night in Bangkok fame.

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More like things Iā€™ve noticed today.

Irish people, especially those in high office, arenā€™t able to speak publicly without littering the speech with ā€˜ah, ahā€™.

The Brits have no such issues.


Itā€™s not our native tongue


in my experience the majority of Irish people fear public speaking

The Toastmasters is a long lost art form in Eire

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never seen boris bumble his way through an interview?

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And father of Emily Head - Carli from The Inbetweeners

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Not in the same way.

Leo the Leak is particularly bad Iā€™ve noticed.

He have a facelift?

i wonder if the ahs and ehs are related to lying

They played the best song in the world for a shiny demon who threatened the very existence of their souls.

That was a once off monumental effort inspired by self preservation. The effort knocked them off kilter completely, as their quote after, discussing their subsequent musical output confirms

ā€œThis is not the greatest song in the world, no.
This is just a tribute!
Couldnā€™t remember the greatest song in the world, yeah - no!
This is a tribute!
To the greatest song in the world,

MBB might have a touch of jack the ripper and fritzel but heā€™s not up to demon level yet. Therefore all heā€™d hear is a tribute.

Go back behind the printer there like a good chap.

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when youre in a hole dig up.

and im behind a screen, not a printer. then again the way you use your computer, i wouldnt be surprised to see you behind a printer

Again when proven completely wrong you start screaming and have no counter argument. But you probably think you won this debate too. Good lord.

If only there was some clue in the song titled Tribute that that song was in fact just a tribute.

Clear that paper jam while youā€™re back there.

This is the greatest and best song in the worldā€¦
Long time ago me and my brother Kyle here,
We was hitchhiking down a long and lonesome road.
All of a sudden,
There shined a shiny demon,
In the middle of the road,
And he said!

Play the best song in the world, or Iā€™ll eat your soulsā€¦
Well me and Kyle,
We looked at each other,
And we each said,

And we played the first thing that came to our heads,
Just so happened to be
The best song in the world,
It was the best song in the world.

Look into my eyes and itā€™s easy to see
One and one makes two, two and one makes three,
It was destiny.
Once every hundred thousand years or so
When the sun doth shine
And the moon doth glow and the grass doth grow.

Needless to say,
The beast was stunned.
Whip-crack went his whippy tail,
And the beast was done.
He asked us,
Be you angels?
And we said nay,
We are but men,

Ah, ah, ah, oh, wo, a-yo!

This is not the greatest song in the world, no.
This is just a tribute!
Couldnā€™t remember the greatest song in the world, yeah - no!
This is a tribute!
To the greatest song in the world,
It was the greatest song in the world,
This is the greatest motherfuckinā€™ song, the greatest song in the world oh!

And the peculiar thing is this my friends,
The song we sang on that fateful night,
It didnā€™t actually sound anything like this song!

This is just a tribute!
You gotta believe me,
And I wish you were there,
Just a matter of opinion.
Ah, ah, oh!
Good God,
Gotta love him,
Iā€™m so surprised to find ya canā€™t stop him!

the tribute was recorded in the shopping mall, the greatest song was on the long and lonesome road he was walking with his brother kyle.

it must be really frustrating for you to be bad at INTERNET (and logic for that matter)