Things that are right

Putting on my out of office for 3 weeks and heading to south america.

Putting on my out of office for the rest of the day and heading to the pub.

Friends helping each other out when one of them is struggling to come to terms with the ending of a realationship. :clap:


Have a read of the “Girls” thread mate :smiley:

That is superb.

From Charlie Brooker’s twitter feed

really hoping this pope visit coverage im watching turns out to be the most elaborate ever episode of ‘to catch a predator’

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Cleeves Slab Toffee

The beautiful Aoibhinn has given pencil neck the flick

The Sindo reported that love was on the rocks with these two.

I’d say you’re in there Runty


Please record this wonderful news here -


Please record this wonderful news here -

Anyone remember the wheel of fortune/‘nigger guy’ episode of South Park?

Was in a shop in town and on the radio some annoying DJ was running a countdown type competition (car park countdown it was called). The phrase was ‘Graham Norton what are you doing naked in my bathroom’ and they had to come up with a word that linked to it. The fella seemed to know what was going on but the bird was a bit clueless. The letters that came out were f-g-p-t-i-r-a-s-e-o or something similar. After 30 seconds they go to the bird first and after a long pause she didn’t seem to have anything. The DJ asked how many letters do you have and she didn’t seem to know that either. The DJ then went to switch to the bloke and the girl blurts out “five”. The DJ asks “what’s your word” and she says - “faggot” - The DJ then asks a second time what her word was and louder this time she shouts into the phone “FAGGOT”.

Cue complete dead air for about ten seconds and the DJ responds “Where did you get the second ‘G’ from?” He starts spluttering then and says “sorry we have to cut you off”. He hands over to the other contestant then and instead of ending the segment says “erm, I don’t know what happened there - what’s your word Fergal?” Fergal replies “pit-arse”. The DJ doesn’t understand where he got pit-arse from and asks him what he means. Fergal responds “his arse is like an orange”. Instead of ending this car crash of a segment the DJ then asks him to sing the winners song and starts playing the melody of “We are the Champions”. Complete silence at the other end of the phone and after about 30 seconds your man goes “I can’t hear the song”. The DJ shouts something and they cut to a song.

Quality :smiley:

Sharon Ni Bheolain on Six One at the moment.


Butter enriched Bog roll.
Very right :clap:

Any of flano’s posts that include the words trash or trashbags


fat noisy, nosy munter in my office not getting her contract renewed. thats what you get for running around the place screeching merry christmas everyone in september you fat cow