Things that are right

How was the honeymoon Art? Did she enjoy Kilmuckridge?

thankfully the honeymoon in north wexford was put on the back burner as we got a honeymoon in cuba as a present. went very well thanks

She’s still with you, Art?

None of this manslaughter bollix. This sentence is right.

Three men have been found guilty of murdering an IT worker on Halloween in a row over his girlfriend’s hat.
Ben Gardner, 30, was punched and kicked in Sutton, south London, in October 2009 after the hat was snatched.
Allanna Devine, 28, was also punched as her boyfriend lay injured. The attack happened after Ms Devine asked for her hat back, the Old Bailey heard.
Daniel Ransom and Ross Collender, both 21, and Jordan Dixon, 18, of Carshalton, had denied murder.
Mr Gardner, who worked for insurance firm Legal & General, had been to a club with Ms Devine to celebrate her birthday.
In the early hours of the morning, Ms Devine was waiting for him outside a kebab shop when a group of men snatched a pirate’s hat and black wig she was wearing, the court heard.
‘Like a penalty kick’
They did not react to the provocation.
But later in the evening as they returned to Ms Devine’s home they saw the group loitering, the court heard.
When she asked for the hat back she was verbally abused.
Collender then “suddenly and unexpectedly” punched Mr Gardner in the face. He was also punched by Dixon, falling on to his back in the road.
Ransom then kicked the “utterly defenceless” IT worker in the head.
It was described by witnesses as being like a “penalty kick” and Mr Gardner died on 1 November from catastrophic brain damage.
Mr Gardner’s father, David, said, in a statement which was read out in court: “I cannot forgive these people for what they have done, they have destroyed me and my family for the rest of our lives.”
A further statement from the family after the verdict, added: “We are satisfied with the verdict today as Ben has been deprived of his life and it’s only right that these murderers should be deprived of enjoying their lives.”
Outside court, Det Insp Bob Campany said: "This tragic case highlights just how easy the transition from anti-social behaviour to standing trial at the Old Bailey for murdering another human being really is.
"Sadly, the stage is set every Friday and Saturday night for innocent young lives, like Ben’s, to be taken in this way.
“Some young men are just hell-bent on violence, usually when under the influence of drink or drugs or a combination of both, and they plague our town centres.”
Ransom, Collender and Dixon were remanded in custody to be sentenced on Friday.
Judge Richard Hone said they would be jailed for life but he had to fix a minimum sentence.


Killing an I.T. worker should be on a par with killing a cop.

It is, no one generally gives a fuck when they get killed except other cops and IT gutys

Do I.T. guys have a union?

No, they generally try avoid with other people as much as possible.

I had to go to the office of an I.T. guy lately who was fixing a problem on my laptop. There was shit everywhere - butts of fags, ash-trays with ashes, numerous empty cups of coffee, wrappers off bars. His “office” was in fact a spare bedroom in his house. When i went in he was at the computer playing dungeons and dragons or something. He reminded me of this fella:

Are all I.T. guys like this?

You have 2 types of IT guy Dunph…

The ones who ended up in IT because it was the ‘in thing’ back in the day. These folk generally hate their jobs, wouldn’t know a FOR loop if it jumped up and grabbed them by the back of the sack… They will be miserable for the rest of their lives.

The other type are the real IT folk… Semi autistic, personality of a texel ewe, dress code of quaker… they would prefer if conversation was run through a binary convertor so they generally will reply to emails or texts but never ring them or never approach their desks.

There is no grey area here mind.

[quote=“Kinvara, post: 164728”]

I wonder which category the Runt fits into…

The second type obviously

John Delaney’s generosity to the Irish support who had been facing up to the additional costs arising from Slovakia’s relatively late decision to change the match venue from Bratislava to Zilina. A great gesture by a man who’s doing great work on behalf of Irish football supporters.

This is class

Are you including Jerry McCabe in that?

Strange question

Anyone notice Slash passing through there in that?

Its not half as good as i thought it was going to be though :rolleyes:

Had a serious game of handball earlier…Hadn’t played in about 10 months, some sport…was sweating like Larry Murphy after it


:lol: :lol:

Tomato publicity stunt cost council €28,000

Friday October 15 2010

The former Mayor of Belfast was ruing an expensive slip-up today after his failure to vault a giant human tomato cost his council £24,000 (€28,000).

Jim Rodgers accidentally kicked Belfast City Council employee Lorraine Mallon in the head in a publicity stunt that went spectacularly wrong.

Ms Mallon, who was dressed up as the huge fruit for a photo shoot to promote a gourmet food fair, suffered a slipped disc in the ill-fated leap.

She brought a negligence case against the council and a settlement was reached this week in Belfast High Court.

She has been paid £24,021.75 (€27,370) with the council also agreeing to cover the cost of the action.

Egged on by press photographers, Mr Rodgers tried to jump over her but he slipped on wet grass on his run up and ended up kneeing her in the back of the head.

The Ulster Unionist councillor today said it would not be appropriate for him to comment on the outcome of the

But at the time of the incident in September 2007 the red-faced first citizen apologised for his stumble.

“I have been absolutely devastated over what has happened,” he said.

"There had been three false runs and I think Lorraine thought this was just another one.

“I just caught the top of her head and unfortunately I injured her.”

Mr Rodgers said he was confident he would have been able to make the jump if he hadn’t slipped.

“I’m very fit and look after myself, but it was just one of those unfortunate things.”

A council spokewoman confirmed a settlement had been reached.

Press Association