Things that are right

Having your first proper wash in over 2 and a half days

The grand uncle had one of these. Lucky bastard.

Really? Fucking hell, a family heirloom from the civil war no doubt. What side was he on SS?

Given he was a relation of SS he was probably an Auxie

He was probably ran out of Kilmallock like the rest of them.

Neither but he was OC Baldonnel Aerodrome after the Civil War. He was a bit careless with his Lewis Gun one day in the officer’s mess though and while he was extracting the bullet in the chamber with a penknife the hammer slipped out of his hand and a bullet ricocheted around the room for a few seconds. Embedded in the chair underneath the arse of Colonel James Fitzmaurice, first man to fly the Atlantic east-west. He could have changed history… :smiley:

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER, post: 165084”]

Neither but he was OC Baldonnel Aerodrome after the Civil War. He was a bit careless with his Lewis Gun one day in the officer’s mess though and while he was extracting the bullet in the chamber with a penknife the hammer slipped out of his hand and a bullet ricocheted around the room for a few seconds. Embedded in the chair underneath the arse of Colonel James Fitzmaurice, first man to fly the Atlantic east-west. He could have changed history… [/quote]

A free stater for fucks sake

:shakefist: :shakefist: :shakefist: :shakefist:

I heard a feature on the radio on that fella the other day. He had an upper class english accent despite coming from inner city dublin


Killed in an air smash a few years later anyway. Those fucking De Havillands were a disgrace of a plane.

Jesus, probably a good thing you don’t have one so SS, stick to the shotgun.

Reading the reports of Redknapp’s tax evasion trial. If any of this sticks then Redknapp can wave his chance at the England job goodbye. His job at Spurs could well be in jeopardy too. I’m sure a load more will come out after the trial considering the amount of players Harry buys and sells for his various clubs and his agent of choice for a number of them.

The notion of a manager getting a cut of a players transfer fee is wide open to abuse anyway. That should be stopped.

Didn’t Ian Holloway have some ridiculous clause in Charlie Adam’s contract that he was entitled to 20% of the profit of his next transfer or something similar

[quote=“chewy louie, post: 165092”]

Didn’t Ian Holloway have some ridiculous clause in Charlie Adam’s contract that he was entitled to 20% of the profit of his next transfer or something similar[/quote]


nespresso coffee machines. got one of these as a housewarming pressie. its the dogs bollox. the only downside is that you have to go to brown thomas for the capsules

the downside is the coffee taste like shit you idiot :lol:


What would a humberside slaphead reared in Wexford know about coffee.

After 4 days of wonderful espressos in the homeland it’s hard to come back here to the Maxwell House merchants like Fooley preaching about “good coffee”

Fair play to the Runt for having a bit of a wash the week of the wedding.

:clap: :clap: