Things that are right

Apparently he spent months down the stores looking for skirting ladders and 5l tins of stripey paint.

Disappointed with the new wrapper for Classics but still a quality bar on the inside after all these years in the competitive mini/midi snack bar market.

Dya like the owl fox’s bisquits!

Neurofin products!

Manflu was coming on me so I popped a couple of the cold/flu tablets, great tack altogether. Have a problem with my shoulder too after being on the bike, rub in the neurofin pain relief rub, boom! all sorted.

:clap: :ireland: :wub: :clap: :ireland: :barcasmile:

[quote=“Locke, post: 165162”]Neurofin products!

Manflu was coming on me so I popped a couple of the cold/flu tablets, great tack altogether. Have a problem with my shoulder too after being on the bike, rub in the neurofin pain relief rub, boom! all sorted.

[/quote]nurofen is a rob. Get buckets of Boots own brand ibuprofen the next time you are in England. It’s a scandal they don’t sell it here

Will do the next time I’m over on the mainland

The death of munster rugby… Very right.

When the guy your marking is in your ear trying to rise you all through a game… and you get one chance to nail the cunt… and you grab that chance with both hands and absolutley pummel the cunt… :guns:

[quote=“Locke, post: 165164”]

Will do the next time I’m over on the mainland[/quote]

Fill your boots with 48 packs of the 400mgs. They’d cure anything.

Innocent smoothies :clap:

Who done it?v

He was running into work this morning and tripped over something and fell flat on his face.


He runs into work? Thought he lived in Kildare. Running to work isn’t practical at all, presume he would have to shower then once he gets in. What would he do with his keys and wallet etc…

No I think he lives in Sandyford or somewhere in that direction. I seem to remember someone telling me that he cycles to work through Ranelagh so I always make sure to keep an eye when I’m driving through there in case the opportunity of an ‘accident’ presents itself.


Mount Merrion I think to be exact. I was out for a cycle this morning listening to Today FM and had to endure him for about 20 mins harping on about this ‘fall’. You’d swear he’d been run over by a hit and run driver the way he was going on about it. All the usual outpouring of emotion then from the housewives of Ireland via text message. This cunt sickens me. I’m off to the COTY thread.


give it to the dyke to bring in for him.

i had began to bear the coont, but after listening to that shite this morning it will be podcasts all the way…