Things that are right

Well said. The guy is a fucking drama queen. The whinging from him just never stops.

Why were you listening to him for 20 minutes if you can’t stand him?

Shame he didnt get a slap but the fact that the cunt is silly enough to fall over his own feet is a close second.

I was on the bike since 8am listening to Ian Dempsey. Darcy had John Bishop on who I wanted to listen to so I had to endure his rubbish until Bishop came on.

Darcy is a plike. He is a mock figure amongst real men.

He’s been lviing around Mount Merrion for years. I used to see him up in Deerpark when we would be going for a puck around.

You only have to compare Jerry May to the current partner to see the wrong path this lad took in life.

[quote=“Kinvara, post: 165183”]

I should warn the forum that I believe Darcys bint is pregnant again and will be heading away on maternity leave soon. No doubt anyone who’s unfortunate enough to have to listen to him once the baby is born will have to endure the same shite as the last time. Thank god for Radio Nova as the options after 9am of Tubridy or Darcy would make you want to crash your car.

Rafa Benitez’ coaching blog -

Very interesting.

Being a Software tester on a team with the developer form Tipperary. I am breaking this lads heart every hour of every day…

“I think this is a bug… yeas its definitly another bug”


I am currently involved in some hand holding UAT with one of our African facilities and it is like pulling teeth. Cunt couldn’t log onto the system because he never put in the client number. It is going to be a long morning :shakefist:


I feel your pain… I did a year working with on a project where MTN Nigeria were the client. My good god…

Feel free to add this link to the COTY 2012 thred.

Not really sure how a clumsy cunt looking for compensation from an arm of the State because he fell over while running is a thing that is right.

That’s fucking ridiculous KP. I always thought the hate on here for D’arcy was a little overstated but that’s cuntish behaviour.

Look where you’re running you dope.

Also, it would appear that Jenny Kelly is heading for a COTY nomination too for clearly wearing the pants in that terrible twosome … :shakefist: :shakefist:

D’Arcy you UUCOAM :angry: :guns:

:guns: :guns: :guns:

Good man D’Arcy. Rob from Peter to pay Paul.

In all fairness Darcy is a skilled broadcaster and he is earning his way in the private sector unlike the leeches in RTE. He also has a very eclectic approach to music which I like.

He was content to leech off them for long enough until a better offer came along.

The Den and Blackboard Jungle were worth every penny.

Has he no hands to put out in front of him to stop his face from hitting the pavement?