Things that are right

[quote=“TwoRunnyEggs, post: 165197”]
The Den and Blackboard Jungle were worth every penny.[/quote]
I believe its only fagan who believes differently. Someone needs to youtube the christmas specials.

That may be so. But it is still cuntish behaviour. He should have been looking where he was going.

Best not to. He’ll and end up trying to sue Ted, the teddy bear panda, for kicking the shit out of him above in Lapland.

Lets let the courts be the judge of that. Justice will run it’s course.

[quote=“Fagan ODowd, post: 165202”]

Lets let the courts be the judge of that. Justice will run it’s course.[/quote]
If justice is to runs its course he will fall over many many more times between now and then.

Indeed, let justice prevail.

If only he had the skill to avoid running into lamp posts. You’d think he’d have been able to zig-zag around them.


Saw the photo of the stump he tripped over. Lethal in fairness to the chap. He will be doing us all a public service if he makes the cunts who leave footpaths in that condition mend their ways.

Well said Fagan.

Bill Baileys show in the GCT last night was a fundraiser for the Vincent de Paul. The charity made 200,000 euro on the night. Apart from being a very funny man Bill is an alright sort.

Surprised at you mentioning the words “public service” in a positive manner, Fagan.

Sorry to go all Daily Mail on this, but where’s the personal responsibility here?

Made my first elderflower juice of the year. Stunning. The summer is here.

Personal responsibility is for other people.

That’s not my fault.

Annabel Croft is looking delectable on Eurosport this evening.

:clap: Was enjoying her work last night. She is what the Auld Birds You Would Shag thread is made for.

The Jubilee concert, cracking entertainment. Stevie Wonder on now, still a class act.

The Olympic Torch relay. Builds the anticipation nicely for the world’s biggest sporting event, you can just feel the Olympic spirit already. I hope the plane carrying the torch off the island had a safe journey, a bit disconcerting for the passengers no doubt to have it so close to all that kerosene but Olympic rules state specifically that the flame cannot be extinguished once lit and that overrides any safety concerns as far as I’m concerned.

+1 mate

People in working class, underclass and council estates taking Euro 2012 as an opportunity to decorate those estates with tricolours.