Things that are right

Definitely, probably, one of the, greatest days in Aherlaaa GAA circumstances

My kind of woman. Look at her there. Probably mentally mulling over whether Frankie Dolan could still do a job for the Rossies.

FORMER OC star Mischa Barton has revealed how she once cut turf on her uncle’s farm in Roscommon.
The 26-year-old, whose mother hails from Roscommon, spent many childhood holidays in the Midlands before she hit the big time playing troubled teen Marissa Cooper in US TV show ‘The OC’ in 2003.
"Mischa Barton cutting turf, might sound properly ridiculous to people but trust me, on my uncle’s farm in Roscommon everybody pitched in.
“I loved holidaying in Ireland and we were here pretty often,” Mischa Barton said this morning.
The glamorous Hollywood star was in Dublin to launch an Irish stage version of ‘Steel Magnolias’ with actress Anne Charleston, better known as Madge Bishop of Australian soap ‘Neighbours’, which opens in the Gaiety Theatre on September 10 before touring Ireland

Read more: http://www.independe…l#ixzz20Qig8sd6

The unfortunate thing about owl Moroney is that he delivers the most professional GGA commentary I have ever heard. Puts Muckyhearticks to shame.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Where do you start ! Quality stuff.

I’d bet she plays a good game of naked pool as well.

On her best days, she doesnt look like that.

Nice subtle gag in here if you look hard enough.

Croatian basketball player, Antonija Misura

Although it’s late at night I want to stress that I just happened across these and I’m not looking up pictures to wank to. I already have loads.

That last picture is sensational

It’s like she slipped her dildo into the wrong hole and after the initial shock just realised she quite likes it.

Hand wash dispensers that release the foamy wash. Recently got new dispensers in work and they are fantastic, they really take the misery out of washing your hands after using the toilet.

Grown men squabbling over the position of celebrity spotting adjudicator on the internet.

TFK Polls :clap:

Great to see one of lifes true gentlemen looking well in yesterdays paper. Brud Skehan :clap: one of the few decent blueshirts out there. Brud would be grandfather of Niall Gilligan and Marcus Horan

WHEN completed it was regarded as one of the finest feats of engineering the world had ever seen.[/size][/font]
But former Taoiseach Liam Cosgrave has revealed there were concerns that when the "switch was turned on"at the official ceremony, that the water wouldn’t flow at Ardnacrusha.[/size][/font]
Work on the world’s largest hydroelectric power station along the River Shannon at Ardnacrusha, Co Clare, began in 1925.[/size][/font]
The mammoth project cost more than £5m – or one-fifth of total annual revenue of the three-year-old state. The equivalent proportion of revenue today would be more than €9bn.[/size][/font]
Leader of the Free State WT Cosgrave performed the official opening on July 22, 1929 and was accompanied by his sons, Liam (9) and Michael (7).[/size][/font]
And former Taoiseach Liam Cosgrave (92) yesterday returned to Ardnacrusha and admitted his biggest concern as a young boy at the ceremony was keeping his new shoes spotless.[/size][/font]
“I came in a car,” he recalled.[/size][/font]
"It was holiday time in July. The weather was bad, but it was a great occasion.[/size][/font]
"My memories are it was a very wet day and I had a new pair of shoes and I didn’t want to get them muddy so we walked on planks and we escaped the mud.[/size][/font]
“The other thing was there was some query when the switch was turned on whether the water would flow. Of course that meant nothing to me as a young fella, but it came on immediately.”[/size][/font]
In a rare public appearance yesterday after he was invited to Ardnacrusha by the ESB to celebrate their 85th anniversary, Mr Cosgrave said the power station “revolutionised industry and agriculture”.[/size][/font]
With Taoiseach Enda Kenny[/url], three cabinet ministers, [url=“”]Michael Noonan[/url], [url=“”]Pat Rabbitte[/url] and [url=“”]Jan O’Sullivan, and several government TDs looking on, Mr Cosgrave reminded them of the vast work undertaken by the country’s first government with limited resources. "It (the power station) was initiated at a time when there was no outside money by the then (Cumann na nGaedheal) government with immense courage, foresight, imagination and enterprise.[/size][/font]
“There was no money from Marshall Aid and of course, no money from the European Union. They had to operate solely from Irish investment – it was a gigantic undertaking,” he said.[/size][/font]
From proposal to completion, the Ardnacrusha power station took just four years as 1,000 German and 4,000 Irish worked alongside each other to complete the engineering works on time and within budget.[/size][/font]
“It was undertaken at a crucial time in the State,” Mr Cosgrave said.[/size][/font]
"Remember they hadn’t machinery such as JCBs or diggers – it was a pick-and-shovel job.[/size][/font]
His unscripted speech lasted 15 minutes and earned the former Taoiseach a standing ovation inside the machine hall yesterday.[/size][/font]
The former Taoiseach was accompanied by his daughter Mary and nieces Louise and Marita and he also spoke with local man Brud Skehan (97), whom he last met in 1929.[/size][/font]
“I was only 14. I travelled here on an auld bike from Bridgetown,” Mr Skehan said. "I was playing with young Liam and shook his hand. He was bashful about it.[/size][/font]
"I remember standing on the platform where he (WT Cosgrave) was when he pressed the button. It was a very quiet opening for such a powerful thing.[/size][/font]
“There was a very, very small crowd. There was a bit of hostility at the time towards the Cumann na nGaedheal government and only the real blues turned up. I suppose I was one of them. I won’t change now,” Mr Skehan laughed.[/size][/font]
Taoiseach Enda Kenny said there were similarities between Ireland of 1929 and 2012.[/size][/font]
“It (Ardnacrusha) was a project that demanded courage, bravery and great vision and it’s replicated in many ways today by the challenges that the Government faces now and the challenges we face as part of Europe,” Mr Kenny said.[/size][/font]

  • Barry Duggan[/i][/size][/font]
    Irish Independent[/size][/font]

A couple of prize cunts.

I see your man the provo developer McFeeley threatened to batter Niamh Horan in some pub after she took a picture of him :lol:

I heard on Savage on Sunday this morning that she had a laughable article on this in todays Sindo.

About half of the front page was taken up by it. She also had the picture she took of your man up with a caption ‘Can you identify this thug?’, even though she said in the article that she’d googled his name to make sure it was him or something. The article is a thriller, lots of stuff about her heart pounding as she ran for her life.