Things that are right

In a darkened room listening to Deserter’s Songs with Die Hard 2 muted in the background.

One of the young fellas got the Die Hard Quadrilogy from Santa. God bless Santa.

A stop smoking campaign which shows a tumour growing from a cigarette will be launched today.

I always drop into the grandparents grave at christmas time, I spent 18 years of my life in the same house as them and their impact on my life was nothing but positive. I have no great beliefs in any form of after life yet I find an surreal peace to stand by their grave side and reflect in times gone by.

Today even though it was raining heavily I took a small tour around the place and the place is full of people who died too young. Road victims, victims of sickness both physical and mental, farm accidents…

Life is short, try and get as much out of every day as is possible.

apart from the farm accidents why is this in the things that are right thread?

Christmas. People home from abroad, pints, darts and games of 45.


Games of 45. Great shout.

The phantom 500.

At 36 now. Bob Dylan Blood on the tracks.

110 is the business

This, bitchslaps all over 45.

Nice post KP. I go up to Glasnevin to sit by my grandfather’s grave the odd time. I visit his father and his uncles’ graves then. Makes me come out hating the Brits that bit more, which is very pleasing.

It does indeed. 110 is the king of card games.

Two Oasis albums in the Top 20 of Phantom’s Top 500 albums of all time. :clap:

I’m listening to that on and off too bandy but you’d have to wonder how many voters a poll on phantom got to compile a top 500. Surely the bottom couple of hundred only got one vote each if even that.
What will be top 3? Pixies, nirvana, arcade fire, oasis arctics pink floyd already in top ten. Haven’t heard enough of what else was on already to guess. Beatles?

Ah fucking hell. It sounded promising earlier with Blood on the Tracks.

Stone Roses still to come. Is there a Radiohead album that hasn’t been played yet.

Ah I don’t care for Oasis either but it has been splendid listening.

The Bends at three.

Radiohead the Bends. No3