Things that are right

Woah woah mate - what’s all this?

Ah, I’m only pulling your owl leg mate! Your nephew knows the score.

I went in at Martello tower and swam towards Dun Laoghaire direction-I’d say it’s grand and there were loads of others in swimming.

Any jellyfish spotted chaps?

No Fran-the robustness of life in the Irish Sea means we shouldn’t have too many of those fuckers this year thank god.


Saw a dead one on Portmarnock the other day, does that count?

Plenty of Jellyfish in the sea off Fanore yesterday.

To paraphrase a journalist who contacted TFK and complained about the content of a post:

‘You can call me a cunt as much as you want but Jesus leave my poor nephew out of it’.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 799509, member: 24”]To paraphrase a journalist who contacted TFK and complained about the content of a post:

‘You can call me a cunt as much as you want but Jesus leave my poor nephew out of it’.[/quote]

I never remember Jesus posting here, i mean im not surprised i just dont recall same.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 799509, member: 24”]To paraphrase a journalist who contacted TFK and complained about the content of a post:

‘You can call me a cunt as much as you want but Jesus leave my poor nephew out of it’.[/quote]

He never posts, just lurks. Though there is a push to install him as celebrity spotting adjudicator.

Ballybunnion was riddled with them tuesday . They were everywhere. Bigger ones than I had seen in Irish waters before as well. Some the size of dinner plates.

Yeah Kinvara full of them too.

I got a dirty ould sting off something in my back when I went for a swim yesterday evening. Could have been one of these for all I know.

muldoons getting stung by jellyfish is definetely something that is right

did you pour piss on yourself mate?

The smell off a field of hay ready for baling

finishing work early in naas at 11.30 and taking the rest of the day off to compensate for the flexi day ill lose because of HRA

On my way to the beach in a half an hour for a few pucks and a swim, together with a few sandwiches and a can of Cidona.


You’re a Tipp man yeah?

You’re a Tipp man yeah?[/quote]

:smiley: I’m clearly living up to the stereotype.I might get a bag of thai sweet chilli crisps to keep people guessing though.