Things that are right

What an ignorant cunt

Yerrah fuck off

Not sure who is a bigger cunt in that scenario

you think you are in the house of commons?

No wonder Farmer likes those cunts of barmen in The Long Hall.

So you think its right to demean a paying customer in front of others for a bit of craic?

As long as shes not local.

This is the forum which had all sorts of threads devoted to objectifying women, criticising overweight ones etc. In fact I would say that 20,000 of @myboyblue 's posts could be attributed to this.

Now it’s suddenly ‘won’t someone think of the children!!’

Fuck off with yourselves.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 906513, member: 24”]This is the forum which had all sorts of threads devoted to objectifying women, criticising overweight ones etc. In fact I would say that 20,000 of @myboyblue 's posts could be attributed to this.

Now it’s suddenly ‘won’t someone think of the children!!’

Fuck off with yourselves.[/quote]

The bar man sounds like a cunt.

Oh he is a complete cunt. An old grumpy bastard. He doesn’t think he is being insulting though, just that he is having a bit of craic.

It is the jumping up and down to be insulted of some posters on here which is pissing me off.

Sounds like she got mugged off.

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 906519, member: 24”]Oh he is a complete cunt. An old grumpy bastard. He doesn’t think he is being insulting though, just that he is having a bit of craic.

It is the jumping up and down to be insulted of some posters on here which is pissing me off.[/quote]

We only objectify good looking women though.

Ah yea, calling a 20 stone woman a heifer to her face, ho would see something wrong with that eh?

All I did was call the barman an ignorant cunt btw farmer, something you agreed with yourself so go fuck yourself with your post count bullshit.

I blame Operation Transformation for the bar man thinking this is acceptable in polite company.

Maybe if more people were more forward about criticising fat people instead of apologising for it or encouraging women to be “curvy” (read fat) we wouldn’t have an obesity epidemic which is costing the health system millions.

Who apologised for it? The barman is in a service industry, should they critique everyone who walks into their establishment? Seems an odd business model that, have a go at it and see how you get on soup nazi.

I blame breeding

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 906547, member: 180”]Who apologised for it? The barman is in a service industry, should they critique everyone who walks into their establishment? Seems an odd business model that, have a go at it and see how you get on soup nazi.

I blame breeding[/quote]
I blame breeding for people watching Operation Transformation so we are in agreement.

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 906547, member: 180”]Who apologised for it? The barman is in a service industry, should they critique everyone who walks into their establishment? Seems an odd business model that, have a go at it and see how you get on soup nazi.

I blame breeding[/quote]
No one apologised for it, the barman did the opposite, it’s a societal thing. The barman was out of line and it wasn’t very nice for the lady in this instance and I’m not saying we should insult fat people to their faces all the time, but there seems to be a societal tolerance and even praise of obesity and overweight in Ireland and I suppose the UK and the US. Things like praising dove for using fat models on billboards (not all of them but some are clearly overweight), or magazines praising stars like Adele for her “curves”. Or how GPs treat fat patients. In a lot of Europe if an overweight person walks in to a GP for a check up or even for an unrelated issue the GP will ask them to get up on the scales and tell them lose weight if they need it. There’s a lot of screaming Mary’s going on about anorexia, obesity is a (pardon the pun) bigger problem.

I think we’re all in agreement that we should mainly make fun of people behind their backs.

Its the polite thing to do you massive foreheaded prick.