Things that are right

A table I use for washing, along with the mothers laundry basket

Would you not just use a washing machine?

There is more to washing clothes than just putting them in a washing machine. I have a well defined process

This confused me greatly last night when I was reading it on my phone. I must admit I read the sentence maybe 4 or 5 times to try to see if I missed something.

Stupid cunts.

Do you have 4 boxes for the one table, or do you have four tables?

One table, four boxes. I thought that was apparent from my initial post

Do many people use those machines for counting coins? Whats the commission like? I have a fuckload of coins there, I tend to let it build up to stupid size before bothering my hole count it. Think it was close to €600 or so last time, thats some pain in the hoop to cart to a bank and they don’t tend to be very happy to see you coming when you do arrive in front of them.

The ones in the shop vary from 8-12%. I’ve two pint glasses, one for coppers and one for 10c, 20c and 50c. When both are full, it’s €100 more or less each time. I don’t know why I seperate them in 2 pint glasses as I always just fuck them into those machines. I’m just a mad cunt I suppose.

Fuck them, all the more reason to bring it to the bank

Invest in a pair of Wellies for storing your change & watch your money grow further.

9% was the commision in Asda last night. Think I had £380 odd in total so it took over £30 in commision. but it would have taken me a few hours to count up and bag all the change as for the most part it was 20p coins or smaller.

I suppose it is a case as to how much is your time worth

Sounds like these machines have mugged chewy off to the tune of approx £35.

Its £35 ay the end of the day Fran. When I start losing sleep over such a sum it will be a sad day for me

[QUOTE=“chewy louie, post: 922317, member: 1137”]9% was the commision in Asda last night. Think I had £380 odd in total so it took over £30 in commision. but it would have taken me a few hours to count up and bag all the change as for the most part it was 20p coins or smaller.

I suppose it is a case as to how much is your time worth[/QUOTE]
There’s an obvious joke to be made here in relation to post count, I presume ditzy or holey will make it. 10% or so is a decent aul commission to be taking, profitably little machines them yokes so.

I’m the sort of odd cunt who likes counting the coins to be honest, wait for a match to be on tv, and just start into it, but I know it can be a bit of a pain alright to some.

The cunts turned me back one day, pointing to a sign that said something about not taking cash at lunchtime, I was fucking seething :mad::mad:

I still have absolutely no idea what a washing table or washing table box is.

I think it’s one of those things that is like an in joke amongst a group of friends that they assume everybody should know about when in reality only 4 or 5 people know what the fuck is going on. Probably a mad as a bag of badgers aunt of chewy’s used to have a “washing table” for “washing” their clothes. Everybody used to sadly look at each other and give a knowing nod and a wink to each other when old Mrs Louie started ranting about her “washing table” but somehow this was passed down in chewy’s family as an actual thing.

In other words, chewy smells like Aids.

I’m lost.

[QUOTE=“Horsebox, post: 922344, member: 1537”]I think it’s one of those things that is like an in joke amongst a group of friends that they assume everybody should know about when in reality only 4 or 5 people know what the fuck is going on. Probably a mad as a bag of badgers aunt of chewy’s used to have a “washing table” for “washing” their clothes. Everybody used to sadly look at each other and give a knowing nod and a wink to each other when old Mrs Louie started ranting about her “washing table” but somehow this was passed down in chewy’s family as an actual thing.

In other words, chewy smells like Aids.[/QUOTE]

Or maybe he left out the T from tablet, and meant a washing tablet box i.e. a box for washing machine tablets. But I suppose your mammy still washes your clothes for you so you’d know fuck all about it.