Things that are right

That’s a savage saving. You won’t know yourself.

I’ll take a PM, mate

My 88 year old uncle listing all football All Ireland Winners as far back as 1924.

Natalie Imbruglia.

What a beautiful woman. I’ve recently taken to browsing Instagram as I like the work of that guy that does Humans of New York, whilst browsing I stumbled across Natalie. Time has been very kind to Natalie.

Horrible Histories. This tv show is absolute genius comedy. And educational.

In any particular order or did he just name the counties of Ireland and miss a few?

They do a live tour as well, worth keeping an eye out for if you have kids.

If he’s in such fine fettle the oul codger could have kept working the fields for another few years to indulge your hayfield nostalgia.

The San Siro will be sold out for Javier Zanetti’s final home game for Inter.

Ah lovely, I hope it stuck in his fucking throat :smiley:

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 944401, member: 180”]Ah lovely, I hope it stuck in his fucking throat :smiley:

I bet he really regrets choosing United over City now.

This excerpt from this weeks Private Eye (retyped by myself at a vast waste of time and effort):

The case of former Commons deputy speaker Nigel Evans, cleared at Preston crown court of rape and eight other sexual offences all of which he denied, provided even more edification than has been reported.
One of the more highbrow exchanges came when former Lib Dem MP Lembit Opik was called as a witness for the prosecution ( despite telling police he believed Evans was innocent) and testified that one of the alleged victims had called him “a fucking dickhead”. Testimony was later presented to the court that the same alleged victim had later called the speaker, John Bercow, “a cunt”.
Observers were keen to hear how the judge would present these incidents to the jury in his summing up. Unfortunately, the judge got rather confused and decided it was Lembit who had been called “a cunt”.
To the delight of the court, Evans QC , Peter Wright, then stood up to correct the judge, insisting that Opik was merely “a fucking dickhead” and it was , in fact, Bercow who was “a cunt”- at which point the laughter in court had reached indecorous levels and the judge decided that no more needed to be explained, ending the debate with the words : “Thankyou Mr Wright.” No one was quite sure who had been upgraded.

Italian ladies. Classy and sexy.

The smell of summer on a Friday morning

I went for a stroll last night around half 10. It was hanging in the air, with a big yellow moon for company. Got me so giddy I couldn’t sleep till 1am.

My godson’s u-9 team holding FC Internazionale u-9s to a draw this morning :clap:

The GAA related threads and topics moving to the top of the tfk board

A hot chick with a Hula-Hoop.

Having two Limerick GAA threads on the go at once