Things that are right

Yep. We should out the fook. Yahup!

[quote=“The Puke”]What kind of proportion is she built bandage, has she a big nappy arse hanging off her?, also how small is she…

I would say that the chances are that I would give it a go, twould be fine and tight[/quote]

Ah, I dunno Puke - I hadn’t really thought about it. Was more messing with the short skirt comment. Of course, her skirt’s going to be short - she’s a midget. Ooooiiii.

You will have to post up a picture of a moderately attractive midget so I can make up my mind…You cannot just leave e hanging like this…

Kebab on a skewer.

Competitive Dad on the fast show. Legend.

A round for two punters in The Palace Bar of Fleet Street consisting of two bottles of Guinness Extra Stout, two Baileys mixed with brandy and a pack of five Hamlets. Right!

depends on the price

I don’t like Baileys or Brandy. Rumour is a homo drinks that.

Brandy and Baileys - quality drink.

Brandy and creme de menthe

Brandy is a superb drink. My favourite short.

I rarely drink it when I am out though. Never comes to mind to be honest. I wonder if nightclubs even sell it.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Brandy is a superb drink. My favourite short.

I rarely drink it when I am out though. Never comes to mind to be honest. I wonder if nightclubs even sell it.[/quote]

Great shout big man.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Brandy is a superb drink. My favourite short.

I rarely drink it when I am out though. Never comes to mind to be honest. I wonder if nightclubs even sell it.[/quote]

The vast majority would alright…An awful drink when on a session, throw off 4 or 5 brandies in a short space of time and your insides just catch fire…

Not too bad if you have a handy one beside you to nurse away on…

J&B straight AND a Corona.

As well drinking brandy makes me feel like I am a fully fledged alcholic which I don’t think I like.

Like this guy:


[quote=“The Puke”]
Not too bad if you have a handy one beside you to nurse away on…[/quote]

One for the archives…:smiley:

Corona?! Do you like a fucking umbrella in that too?

You shoukd try Baileys and Creme de Menth sometime, called the cement mixer, youl see why when you try it :smiley:

Funny how just a over a week ago Baileys was a girl’s drink!

tia maria and creme de mente is savage