Things that are right

[QUOTE=“artfoley, post: 987810, member: 179”]Yeah, good ole enda and his wealth of private sector experience :rolleyes:

Kenny is an archetypal career waster between teaching and then surfing into the dail on daddys coffin and doing shag all in the dail for 30 odd years[/QUOTE]

whats the private sector jibe mate? back home gillard and the labour government used to get loads of stick for coming from backgrounds as lawyers and business leaders as they are out of touch with society. The private sector ruined Oireland

Our democracy is exercised by the PR single transferable vote Art, not simple majority.

You’re familiar with how elections in our democracy work right?

And how many people gave their PRSTV to enda as taoiseach

Yes. You said kenny was democratically elected. He wasnt as there was no election for taoiseach

We don’t vote for a directly elected head of government. We vote to elect the members, in doing so we give them the power to elect the Taoiseach.

So his position isnt democratic?

more nominate than elect, Taoiseach is nominated by the majority in the Dáil and then appointed by the President.

Stop flip flopping. You said he was democratically elected. He wasnt

:rolleyes:a classic black is white tfk argument

So we agree, he’s been elected and its democratic and he’s our leader. Good work slaphead.

Jesus christ if you had half a brain youd be twice as thick.

It’s a democratic process, not a demoractic election.

This is an outstanding display of stubbornness from boths sides though.

Keep it up.

Classic shartholey :smiley:

You’re some thick. Confusing directly elected with democratically elected and getting all uppity about it despite being wrong. An indirect democracy devolves powers to elected representatives. It’s still a democratic process.

Im not confusing anything at all. But off you go anyway

You didn’t get a say in that money being spent either.

Why would I?

i was having a shower there and noticed a massive pimple on the side of my tool. I had to get out to squeeze it, it was fucking huge, I love the feeling when the bastard explodes all over the place with a precise squeeze and the gunk goes everywhere

Were you the massive pimple on the side of your tool?