Things that are right

Listening to a cassette tape of Scott Walker now.


[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 1025268, member: 24”]Interesting.

I just purchased my CD version from Amazon there. Incredibly easy to do.

Too easy in fact.[/QUOTE]
The CD version is also beautifully packaged.

[QUOTE=“Fagan ODowd, post: 1025269, member: 706”]Listening to a cassette tape of Scott Walker now.


Best of
Most of
Satiate the need


[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 1025273, member: 24”]Best of
Most of
Satiate the need

Sorry farmer.:oops:

[QUOTE=“farmerinthecity, post: 1025268, member: 24”]Interesting.

I just purchased my CD version from Amazon there. Incredibly easy to do.

Too easy in fact.[/QUOTE]
Is this your first time shopping online or something?

No but I find the Amazon website particularly easy to navigate.

Hey @Colin Montgomerie, can we get an Odd rating for posts like this?

Going to bed now. Listening to bit of Tangerine Dream before I head off. [ATTACH=full]1779[/ATTACH]

The Manuela Rieda murder in Galway documentary is on RTE. I think the people of Galway are to be applauded for their reactions and outpouring of grief and disgust at what happened. They really came across as alright sorts despite the actions of one animal from their locality. The girls parents go over to Galway every year and actually enjoy it. There’s an auld fella called Tom who is a farmer and he deserves special mention. So moved was he by what happened that time that he did a few things such as carve out a nice memorial type plaque that he sent to the parents but more so at the spot where she died he built a cracking memorial that he maintains impeccably. Flowers, railway sleepers, pebbles, candles etc. He had no connection with the girl or her family but took this upon himself. Her parents meet him every year at his home in Galway and he takes them around the yard and farm etc, they enjoy it. He hasn’t a word of German and they only have broken English but they manage to communicate. To Tom and the people of Galway. :clap:

It was very powerful stuff,one thing that really annoyed me was when they asked Hans-Pieter about ever forgiving his only childs killer.

Aye stupid question. Another thing was when they were leading the piece of shit that raped then killed her out of the court and into the police van with people around heckling etc. I was thinking if i was one of the cops handling him and was in the van with him. I’d be there staring at the fucker, all the while getting more and more furious/agitated, i’d say i’d surely flip and end up tearing into the cunt. The stupid fucker didn’t even conceal his face. He’ll be known by everyone in whatever prision he’s in. I’d say he goes to sleep roaring every night.

I’ll do it in the morning

I’m actually not sure if this should go in the Things that are Right thread, but I had a Porsche Carrera Police Car ahead of me this morning on the M1 freeway between Sydney and Central Coast.

Remember this anecdote when you are telling people you saw the crash coming.

Fuck sake, what would they need that for the silly fucking cunts :smiley:

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 1026274, member: 180”]

Fuck sake, what would they need that for the silly fucking cunts :D[/QUOTE]

To get bitches. Why else would you need a flash car?

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 1026274, member: 180”]

Fuck sake, what would they need that for the silly fucking cunts :D[/QUOTE]

Agreed, they should be using this

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 1026274, member: 180”]

Fuck sake, what would they need that for the silly fucking cunts :D[/QUOTE]
Obviously to go under cover. Like Miami vice.

[QUOTE=“myboyblue, post: 1026274, member: 180”]

Fuck sake, what would they need that for the silly fucking cunts :D[/QUOTE]
If they captured a criminal, where would they put him?
