Things that are right

I presume that midweek blues and the shocks will be going in “things that are wrong” some time around tuesday?

I hope he is trapped under a duvet somewhere contemplating ending it all.*

*Not actually ending, just suffering immensely.

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1036896, member: 168”]I hope he is trapped under a duvet somewhere contemplating ending it all.*

*Not actually ending, just suffering immensely.[/QUOTE]
Uless hes got a stash of valiun and/or the pills were shite then its highly likely

Would you get much of a buzz off of an ecstacy tablet?

If its your first one and you get a decent one, then yes. But be careful with old eezer hes a love you can lose

What does it feel like?

The best way i can think of describing it used to be; you know the feeling yiu get when youve been dying for a piss and you finally go, then imagine a similar feeling every time you move a muscle

[QUOTE=“Fagan ODowd, post: 1036982, member: 706”]What does it feel like?[/QUOTE]its unreal, unbelievable, it opens your spiritual side

And thats just the coming up shjt

The comedown far outweighs the buzz.

This isn’t the nutri bullet thread Tossy mate.

You do know smoking dope helps with the comedown?

Depends on the quality of course, but, YES, god, yes. Unbelievable. There is a reason it is called ecstasy. However they fuck with your system horribly, I think. The comedown is like you get a feelings from all the nerves on the inside of your body, around your organs and it doesn’t feel good. You have to drink through that. I havent done one for a good while now(I’d never have been mad into them) and certainly wouldn’t miss them.

spliff makes me puke, i just used to go to sleep, eventually on the monday morning of a frisatsun

no way… its nothing compared to the depression after 2/3 nights of drink, i rarely ever got any downers from yokes, just palpitations really

i hate smoking hash, hate it

i never had a problem coming down, it was the fucking midweek blues and the shocks that fucked me up

Must affect people differently, I have never had much problem with the depression after drink. Pills or coke on the other hand, and especially mixing the two

Who the fuck smokes hash? Are you a peasant?

The amount of smoking hot latina and asian ladies in the Rathmines area. Very right.