Things that are right

whatever he managed to transfer but it will be a fraction of what was available

why do you think he went to US for bankruptcy - this is a big blow for him

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1068227, member: 1786”]What difference does it actually make to him?
They can keep registering judgements and he can just tell them he has nothing.
His wife has already done a deal with the Bankruptcy Trustee so I don’t think they are going to be able to do much about the assets he transferred to her.[/QUOTE]
Maybe but at least the cunt gets called out in court by a judge as being an untrustworthy cunt-small victory but at least he hasn’t walkedaway from this one. As TUM says, it should make things a bit more difficult for him to start freely spending what money he has tied away.

mate, sorry for snapping at you so many times over the last week

I think I took my rage at returning to work out on you

[QUOTE=“The Selfish Giant, post: 1068268, member: 80”]mate, sorry for snapping at you so many times over the last week

I think I took my rage at returning to work out on you[/QUOTE]


Truly one of the forums greats

:clap:[QUOTE=“The Selfish Giant, post: 1068268, member: 80”]mate, sorry for snapping at you so many times over the last week

I think I took my rage at returning to work out on you[/QUOTE]
What a guy. All is forgiven mate. I’ve got the work day blues myself.

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1068227, member: 1786”]What difference does it actually make to him?
They can keep registering judgements and he can just tell them he has nothing.
His wife has already done a deal with the Bankruptcy Trustee so I don’t think they are going to be able to do much about the assets he transferred to her.[/QUOTE]
We don’t want him to chase money, we want to prosecute him. It doesn’t change that he’s still not eligible for extradition though.

Say what you want about Seanie Fitz but I admire the way he stayed here, went into bankruptcy and faced the music unlike his successor at Anglo.

I’d loved to have worked for him in the glory days of Anglo. Must have been some craic.

An American lawyer told me today the yanks will send him home no bother. One in the favour bank

how so? have you seen what charges the DPP are going to proffer ?

The problem was that the crime he’s being prosecuted of isn’t a crime in the USA. But I’m sure the irish authorities have looked into that, if they can shoehorn the charges to fit with American offences there’s no reason they won’t get the extradition. The USA could give a shot about Drumm.

Am I confusing him with one of the other banker cunts they were trying to get extradited? I think not. I’m sure they’ll figure it out anyway.

methinks you put too much store in that irish times piece youo read earlier. there’s a raft of charges that could be thrown at drumm of which there are comparative felonies in the states

I didn’t read any of the stuff today, I’m remembering the situ from before which is why I’m a bit wooly on it.

Limerick Hurling

May i take this opportunity to warn all the members of the limerick senior hurling panel and management who regularly post and read here, that I suspect @Joe Player is merely firing the opening salvoes in the psychological warfare surrounding the first round of the championship.
Be very careful.

The National Rehabilitation Hospital in Dun Laoghaire have found a placement for the Queen in exile. I was informed of this late this evening - commencing Monday.
It’s a serious and intensive programme, massively beneficial and rewarding. It wasn’t welcomed at the outset**, such is the standard of “improvement” we’re making (sly weekends at home and trips to the hairdressers) but this lifts the game to a new level.
Clearly she’s won her place with hard graft and savage commitment, but there must be enormous scope for further progress or the opportunity wouldn’t be offered.:clap:

**Getting too used to ordering me about I presume.

[QUOTE=“briantinnion, post: 1068479, member: 6”]Say what you want about Seanie Fitz but I admire the way he stayed here, went into bankruptcy and faced the music unlike his successor at Anglo.

I’d loved to have worked for him in the glory days of Anglo. Must have been some craic.[/QUOTE]

I find this an odd statement. Seanie won’t worry about the ESB bill or any other utility, won’t suffer from any diminishment of income, will play his golf and twat around like that previous little Emperor Charlie. Working for a cunt like him would wreck your head I’d imagine. Everything he touched had the whiff of sulphur, a no-mark “Bank” evolves into a global giant…who’s codding who here. That Quinn’s lack of basic maths/foolhardiness contributed to the downfall masks the stupidity of Anglo’s management capabilities. Lending to Quinn, based on share pricing as the boat was holed was pure bullshit.

[QUOTE=“Boxtyeater, post: 1072885, member: 246”]The National Rehabilitation Hospital in Dun Laoghaire have found a placement for the Queen in exile. I was informed of this late this evening - commencing Monday.
It’s a serious and intensive programme, massively beneficial and rewarding. It wasn’t welcomed at the outset**, such is the standard of “improvement” we’re making (sly weekends at home and trips to the hairdressers) but this lifts the game to a new level.
Clearly she’s won her place with hard graft and savage commitment, but there must be enormous scope for further progress or the opportunity wouldn’t be offered.:clap:

**Getting too used to ordering me about I presume.[/QUOTE]
Great news Boxty, they really are the business out there, and don’t take time wasters. There’s a serious evaluation done before they take anyone on, you have to be ready to get up and go again before they’ll give up one of those places to you, so this is wonderful news. Here’s hoping for further good news in 2015.

Mooju Strawberry milk.