Things that are right

Getting a hire car and finding the previous user has left a CD of Alt’J’s An Awesome Wave in it.

Alt J - :smiley:

Was it your gay neighbours that had it last?

Being a Capitalist Pig. :pint:

Pope Francis said mass in front of 6 million people nin the Philipines today, absolutely unreal, he really is at the top of his game at the moment, he could turn out to be an ever greater Pope than John Paul the second, we are the most powerful organisation in the world, the towel heads in mecca could only muster up 2 or 3 million

Oh it’s good be a Roman Catholic.

That chalicework, effortless.

Apart from his nonsense about the Charlie Hedbo thing, yeah he’s doing alright.

he has a savage way with people, just like John Paul, he is a credit to the Catholic Church, the most powerful organsiation in the world, way more powerful than those muslim pigs, who is the head of them anyway? they have fuckall

6 million. That’s everyone in Ireland plus over another million at one event. The Catholic Church - the greatest show on earth.

The #marriedafarmer hashtag on twitter :smiley:

Some other towel-head and no one even knows what he looks like. They need to sack their PR company, give this lad the heave and try and get some street-cred like our boy from the Argentine.

If any man can bring us back to the church it’s Francy. :clap::clap:

Some of us never left.

It’s less than the population of Ireland.

Partitionist cunt

[ATTACH=full]2224[/ATTACH] This beauty. My old cassette deck died before Christmas and I bought one of these on eBay for 45€. Arrived today and I rigged it up to the amp. Having a right old time listening to old favourites on the most unloved format of them all

Is that a broken trophy back left?

I’ve no idea pal. It’s a random photo of a Technics M205 I took off the internet.


Shatter losing his appeal against the data protection commissioner