Things that are right

Cases of dementia are through the roof pal and the medical community are baffled, in 40 years time, if there are future generations they will laugh as we laugh at the smokers of the 50s who thought it was healthy then. Carrying around radiation emitting and collecting gadgets in our pockets. We are clueless, if you aren’t earthing yourself properly every few days you’re fucked already.

Sent via tapatalk from my HTC One


How do we earth ourselves buddy?


FFS, tell us how to survive, dont just come here talking doom

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ok guys, crisis over, just read this on the dementia website

“Many people talk about a ‘dementia time bomb’ that the state cannot cope with. This is misleading. A steady, rather than dramatic, growth is expected over the next 25 years.”

On the plus side we will be oblivious

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I used to know, but I can’t remember

Tinfoil suits will become the norm.

A ‘soft in the head’ landing then.

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Best of luck, mate

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joint rolled
chinese ordered
tiger beer opened
match of the day about to start




Baking a sponge here listening to a bit of Herb Alpert on the record player.

Being able to take a half day to go down to the beach with the family. Some day out.


Nothing like it. Savage weather.

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I’m going to finish up shortly, go home and fire up the BBQ.
I might even have a beer or two.


I’ve a training session this evening but I doubt there’ll be much done. Saw half the team down on the beach, and I really couldnt be arsed doing much with them, so there’ll be plenty of crossbar challenges and shooting practice.

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Spray painting?

no neighbours in finals yet count. We’re saving it up. We’ll need a lot for the trawler though.


An evening of ballylandering for team bonding it is.