Things that are right

You wont bring me down to day friend. No way.


Like your blueshirt party?

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Art dishing out the clampings :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

Nah - What FG did there was wrong, illegal and they should have been penalised accordingly - as should any tax evader.

The minute parties or individuals start deciding that laws don’t apply to them for whatever reason then the whole system falls apart in my view.

As for your a la carte perspective on the laws - it’s somewhat fortuitous that the law you find immoral is one that would cost you money.

As clearly demonstrated , its your party with the a LA carte approach to paying tax. I paid property tax in late 2011 in the sum of 7 grand so to have to pay it again was unjust. Unfortunately I didn’t get a 9 year period of taking the piss unlike FG. In a functioning democracy there should have been massive repercussions for FG. Unfortunately none of FFFGLAB have paid the prices for their wilful disobedience of many just laws


I’ve already stated that any party (including) FG should be subject to the laws of the country, both in upholding them but also being subject to any penalty resulting from breaking them. My understanding in that case is that they received revenue penalties etc on top of public disclosure of the tax evasion. I’m not sure but are you suggesting something different happened or something different should have happened?

7 grand seems like a huge amount for property tax - my understanding is the average tax was a couple of hundred euro so I’m not sure how you got done there.

Look - I get that you’re not a gov party fan. That’s fine - it’s a broad church. My own view is that they’ve had a mixed bag of success and poor performance. I do value the fact that the country is back on a sound footing, economy growing, employment dropping etc. I don’t take those for granted considering where we were in 2010. I also don’t buy the idea that there were easy choices that weren’t taken. Anyway, vote for your candidate/preferred party and when they get into government I’m happy to say that while I prob won’t be happy with it I’ll respect the laws they implement. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect others to do the same.

That fucking goon enda kenny in the dail today, trying to strike a poetic pose, quoting Voltaire. He couldn’t even read what had been written for him.
Ive no political allegiance particularly, but fuck me, that was car crash, followed by Gerry Adams heartfelt denunciation of terrorism.


Unbelievably touching to see our head of state able to show his emotional side like that. A beautiful statesman, Haughey’esque.

He is an absolute simpleton. Thank fuck Mikey Noonan is behind him actually running the show.




You’ve lost me, mate.

Watching the full 2001 Scudetto game against Parma now.

The 2-2 drawn game in the San Paolo the week before was one of the most emotional of my life.

Being put on hold while on a call in Australia and getting the Theme from Harry’s Game as the hold music.

you couldn’t make it up

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My car has arrived*

*ive been texted by your man saying its in London, but he’s gone to capetown for 2 weeks.


An egg with two yolks #winning