Things that are right

Heard a funny story about Ross today from a lad at work. He had a mate that went to college in cork and was sharing an apartment with Ross. Every day when he walked into the bathroom the floor was flooded with water and he couldn’t figure out what was causing this. Turns out Ross couldn’t fit into the shower and used to just pull out the shower head and wash himself in the middle of the bathroom. The fat cunt!


Thomas Reid :clap: a modern-day Irish hero. Hats off to you, good sir, for taking the fight to ‘the man’ - and for winning. Beating corruption in its own arena is no mean feat. Alright sort of the year to boot.

Here you go @Brimmer_Bradley and @flattythehurdler


Bought a world globe there last week as the eldest keeps asking me about where she lives and how it relates to her cousins in the US.

Just spent the last hour, spinning it and reeducating myself on all the changes since my grandfather explained it all to me over 30 years ago.

Its a great world all the same.


There is an old St Munchins College Atlas at home in the balbec from the 1890’s. Most of the globe was coloured pink for the British Empire, @Tim_Riggins would love it.


did you have a priest in the family?

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No. A doctor.

Horse Doctor?

Paul Murphy paying his property tax.


He didn’t, his conveyancing lawyer paid it

Thanks for clearing that up.

No worries, it was taken against Murphys wishes: paying the property tax is unavoidable if you work on the books or ever sell a house

Delighted for the cunt.


That’s the problem with laws - you often have to respect them …

Happy to do so when it suits him. Delighted for the cunt.

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Lex iniusta non est lex

Turns out i don’t like taxes either or rather I’d prefer if someone else paid them - should I just proclaim them unjust and stop paying them cos that essentially is the core of Murphys argument.

Here’s an idea for him - garner enough votes in an election to change the laws. In the meantime, obey the laws and pay your taxes.

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I think he’s ok paying taxes, he just doesn’t want others to pay them. Its an interesting approach.

This would have more impact if he paid his water charges. Everyone pays or has been forced to pay the property tax. Non-story.

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