Things that are right

clappidy clap

i liked that

Travellers are not people, they demonstrate that on a daily basis. They are scum. I’m the only one saying what everyone else is thinking.

You need only look at the reaction from Carrickmines residents when they were looking to be rehoused - nobody wanted travellers anywhere near them, and with good reason.

The only good traveller is a dead traveller.


I don’t think that

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I do

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You don’t speak for me, let’s be clear about that.


You are a disturbed and sick individual to delight in any person being burnt to death.

Let alone children and babies.

You disgust me.

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Me neither.

This guy is disturbed.

He is just an idiot on the Internet though glas. Disgust is a fair old emotion to be wasting on someone from the Internet.

You do have a fair amount of weird thoughts though bandage.


All my thoughts are above board.

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Labelling them persons would be to admit them as people.

They are not people. Not in the way they live or behave. They are trash.

A baby? You are a sickening individual.

A baby who will grow up to add nothing to society, who will continually leech from the state and indulge in the odd bit of abusive behaviour and/or criminal activity.

I’m sure they are bandage. But you are the sort of fella who might get a notion in his head.

Yeah disgust Juhniallio. Anyone who would repeatedly say they are happy to see babies and children burned to death deserves disgust and contempt.

Post Reported

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An outside chance of an olympic medal?


Seems @bandage and @mac read it and have no problem with it

Fair enough Glas. Will I add it to the list of your causes?

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It’s shocking. I’m too frazzled to do anything about it.