Things that are right

Is there anything to be said for saying another Mass?

I laughed out loud at that. You might say i “lol’ed”

ageist cunt

Don’t be a cunt

Be a travesty if it doesn’t get a NICE rating. I suspect its gone over the heads of most though.

If travelers want to be treated like people they should start paying taxes. Until then all bets are off and should be treated like scrum.


If you are a student, then you probably don’t pay taxes, So what does that make you?


Trainee Scrum?


That’s a clamping

because when I start working I will.

No this is a clamping.

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Well you’d better spend less time on here and do a bit of study for a change. Try to make yourself a bit employable anyway.

I’ll have you know I’ve a lovely number lined up in New York for 9 months. My QCA is good and the max I’d study in a day is 6 hours split into 3 2 hour sessions. Anything after that I find pointless.



how much is your QCA?

A shade over 3.

I enjoyed this, particularly the last scene. Made me “Lol” to myself.

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Having an absolute shocker in work this week but housemate is away tonight at their Christmas party. I’m gonna have a dump with the door open, enjoy a nice Marks & Spencer ready meal and then watch the documentary I Believe in Miracles. A great end to a shitty shitty week.


Wonderful stuff and not entirely dissimilar to myself, pal. My apartmentmate is “meeting the girls for dinner and drinks after work” so I plan to purchase a take-away coffee on my walk home. I’ll relaxingly drink that while watching Six One News and that’ll lead me nicely into taking a shit with the door open too. I’ll use deliveroo to order food as there’s meant to be a storm later and I’ll enjoy my grub even more once I see the soaked anguish on the delivery guy’s face. I’ve pencilled in a little bit of kindle and I was considering what film/series/doc to watch when I read your plan - I might follow suit.

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The aul lad’s involvement in building of GAA club being marked on the fortieth anniversary of foundation stone laid by President Ui Dhalaigh

GAA man his whole life, once the club was built he raised money (along with others) to build a clubhouse for every other sport in the area

Told me the first time he met a fair few of his friends in the area was walking with a shovel to the GAA club. Broke my mothers heart with his complete lack of DIY ability but willing to pitch in

I’ve done lots of stuff but proud as fuck of him today and when I visit any time there are two big club houses to remind me of himself and his pals contribution to their community