Things that are right

Ikea selling Christmas trees for 25€. And they give you a 20€ voucher.


Depends on the ladies involved fagan.

Power gone, stove crackling, kids asleep… Supping whiskey and browsing TFK by candlelight.

Doesn’t get any better than this.


The rte weather forecast. Goes over the globe, zooming in on countries and bypassing the brits and straight to our isle

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Having a latte here in the coffee shop. The beautiful barista keeps looking at me. A lovely polish lass. You’d never get that in Ireland


Ah you would though. It happened to me once in Dublin a few years back. That said, I was having an americano instead of a latte. Did you get her number?

I can’t believe @flattythehurdler’s picture of two bog standard girls not quite kissing got more likes than @TheUlteriorMotive and @anon67715551’s heart warming tales of family in the last few days, let alone @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy’s continued musical growth and development.

That’s fair enough, it’s a heterosexual thing.


+1. I was sickened by the sight of those two poor Lancashire lasses being sexually harassed on work time.

If anyone was harassed it was my good self.


Sex sells.

@flattythehurdler did not get to where he is without knowing what buttons to press

@Bandage also knows that sex sells because he sees sex being bought and sold every day


She never saw a man like you before.

There was nothing sexy about that pic for anyone with any sort of standards.

You’re well on your way to another nice post award there though so that should make up the deficit somewhat.

My second “Nice Post” in a week and do you know what I would swap them both for one “funny” rating from the old website.


Same here mate, well done anyway.

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Just ordered off Deliveroo there, pal. Will let you know how I get on.

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Feet up, heat on, bottle of Peroni in hand and watching Countdown.



How does Rachel look today, mate? I presume absolutely ravishing as always.

She looks lovely as always, comes across as an all round lovely girl as well.

Susie Dent looks terrific for a 51 year old.

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