Things that are right


Yes, Grandchildren… They were all here for the weekend to celebrate Nanny’s birthday and it was the 1st. time they were all together since her stroke. They were possibly stunned initially at life’s predicament, but being children they adapted in a flash, glossing over her incapacities to show off their dancing, singing and theatrical skills as if there wasn’t a thing amiss.

On a personal level I was as proud of their parents as I was of the kids themselves, but I caught a young buck of 4 for a bit of private tuition. A hot chocolate surrepticously made and 5 minutes later he warbled out to a full kitchen:

“Siiilent night, Hoooly night, Maaan Uuu aaare shite”


Two of the ladies that work for us told me at work last week that they would have a smooch at the Christmas party for my present.


You’re some boyo flatly. Yer wan on the right isn’t putting the heart into it at all though sadly. Commit or GTFO.

Oh she did, but I couldn’t get the camera out in time.

I woke up there and made an awful prick of myself there, I was convinced it was Monday morning, I got dressed and everything with my suit on and rang a colleague about a work related issue, when he kindly informed it was Sunday morning and suggested I go forth and multiply, how do I get out of the embarrassment of this? on the bonus side, it is Sunday

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What kind of a sordid establishment do you work in flatty?

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Not quite sordid enough. They started kissing at a party we had a couple of years back, and their manager brought them into the office the next week and told them in no uncertain terms that they Had brought the company into disrepute, and they were on a strict warning about future behaviour.
We then had her manager bring her into the office, and explain that if anyone was going, it wasn’t the girls.
They are a great laugh. Vodka in the handbag girls, and great to work with. I get a cup of tea and a hug every morning when I arrive :+1:t4:




Do you harbour lesbian fantasies?

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Hard to get the camera to work with one hand and you fondling yourself with the other.


Wasn’t all you were struggling to get out I’d say

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Get some roast bafe stick it in the oven for 8 mins till its warmed up slice it stick it on a plate,take a photo for TFK and tell us how your not a roaster,that will brighten up your day,oh and stay off the tube for a while

The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies

took the kids to the nutcrakcer yesterday, stunning

im now committed to learning the dance of the sugar plum fairies on the oboe by the end of January


wow TSG, you are so much more cultured than the likes of Fran and Flattly

cheers mate




Columbia as a live song suffered when McCarroll left. I don’t think they played it live for nearly a year after White joined. All the best live versions are with McCarroll.

But conversely, White’s drumming on the live versions of Champagne Supernova really suits and enhances that song. I think White’s versions of Supersonic were slightly better too.

Earl’s Court is certainly as good as if not better than Live by the Sea. They’re both brilliant.

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They never really played Bring It On Down much live after McCarroll left - it’s a tremendous live song.

Putting on Goals on Sunday to see Big Mick McCarthy on it. #winning