Things that are right

First morning after an 8 hour flight followed by a 6 hour flight with the nippers and all is well. Not only did they not run amok, they were actually on their best behaviour. Wow. Just wow. Roll on the Christmas.

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This on the desk when I walked in this morning

The oul lad was down home this week and stopped in for lunch with his sister, who’s involved with South Liberties.

Dining next to them were Joe McKenna, Pat Hartigan,Frankie Nolan and Éamonn Grimes.

The old man wouldn’t be the sort to interrupt his heroes mid-meal but my aunt is more like me. A grand chat ensued and Hartigan insisted my da got in for a couple of photos.

He was already an exile in 1973. You can imagine how thrilled he was.



Fuck Pat Hartigan, the cunt.


Delighted that your ould lad enjoyed it but he might be just as well off as an exile.

Four greater cunts you’d hardly meet.

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He’s not naïve, but I would imagine if you were 19, standing on the Hill in 1973 and these four lads were firing Limerick to our last AI, at the age of 61, you’d see past any chicanery, dubious character traits, outright cuntishness and just see them as they were then.


A happy lady.

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Did she leave you?


Not being able to find the Cunt Of The Year thread, but finding it by searching for John Bruton instead


Flicking on Super Sunday late and being greeted to Watford 2 - Liverpool NIL.



Poor taste blatant effort at trying to subliminally skew the wavering voter. Bruton is a big boy and can stand on his own two feet in this poll (though compared to a man who tried to blame a crash on his dead friend, amongst others, he may be a little weak).

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Hachi - a dogs tale currently on channel 4. A lovely movie about the bond between a man and his dog

Better than watching Liverpool anyway.

I’m fighting back the tears here. It’s a real bittersweet watch

Wrong thread

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Is it making you lonesone for Lohan?

One of the dirtiest digs I’ve ever witnessed online.slagging a man about his deceased dog. Very nearly up there with talking about the Kilkenny 5 in a row. That due to natural justice didn’t happen.

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I was concerned about him. People can get lonely this time of year. No need to be so ruff about it.

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