Things that are right

Great athleticism on show here. Putting their bodies on the line like that to win a tag title.


Why not listen to full albums Fagan? What’s with the one-sided approach? I know some albums are front-loaded with great tunes but side two of VU&N for example has ‘There She Goes Again’, ‘Heroin’ and ‘I’ll Be your Mirror’

I will listen to the other sides when the mood takes me. In some cases in any event one side of an LP is much better than the other.

These tasty cunts. :ok_hand:


Slab Murphy found guilty of tax evasion

His defence was identity theft by his brother :joy:

Coming onto TFK and seeing 100 odd posts about fucking bread sauce. It’s no wonder we struggle to get new members. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Disgusting vilification of a great patriot.

There are two types of people.

Those who are Slab Murphy, and those who want to be Slab Murphy.

The levels of seethingness and conflict on the board is off the charts lately.
Allies on one thread, switch to mortal enemies on the other. Great stuff.

Star wars, bread sauce, your repressed homosexuality, MBB’s poor parenting, Kev is right, Bomber is right.
Epic stuff.

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A @Flano return could be the icing on the cake so to speak.

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You forgot the lads fishing for nice post ratings like @balbec and @Fagan_ODowd

If I could just come up with a post that combines anti rugby football and a tinker I would be on the pig’s back.

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ever since my fixie was robbed a blanket of anger and despair has fallen on this forum

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Simon Zebo.

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I am personally seething about this. Any news yet mate?

You’re talking through your hole.


Getting a christmas ham from your employer. Nice little tradition this one.

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It’s 30+ out there pal, sure it’ll be cooked through after 3 hours in the car.

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Esky with ice blocks saw to that.
