Things that are right

TPB = The Pirate Bastards

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You heard it here first lads, Happy Christmas

Even my mum likes that one

Sounds good, pal. I like that.

Guitar is excellent, really chilled out sound. :ok_hand:

I watched it aswell, he is an advert for not over doing drink and drugs.

It’s amazing he isn’t dead to be honest. Unbelievable song writer, the brilliant are normally crazy.[quote=“briantinnion, post:7176, topic:5856, full:true”]
Anyone watch that show about MacGowan on Sky Arts last night? I only caught the last 15 mins. Pretty sad to see. He’s got the mobility of a guy in his late 80s. When he sings he still sounds like he did last time I saw him live in the very early 00s. That’s not saying much though.



Fuckin hell. Is that where they filmed Psycho?

Thanks Harry. I’m quite proud of that one.
Another few to finish off, disgusted this Christmas business is getting in the way.

Is that meant to be your car, the aurora or something else?

It’s meant to be my car. Looked ok on my phone. I’ll update tomorrow.

Fucks sake. Is it sunrise in Didsbury yet? Hop out there and take a pic.( If the car hasn’t been robbed overnight).

Ah great stuff just in time for Christmas. I’m fully convinced you were scammed and you were just so nice when they were fobbing you off that they felt bad and went away and got you a car.



They look absolutely disgusting


I’d savage a few of those right about now



Do they not know you put the flour in before you bake the bread.

The bread sauce brigade all high and mighty all of a sudden. At least they don’t mush it with onions and cloves and “dollop” on the side of the xmas dinner ye fucking animals.



You know nothing

Blaas are lovely pal. The EU have designated them as being worthy of protection. You stick to your stuffing balls, bread sauce and all the other swill ye fuckers eat out there in the mid West.