Things that are right

Parting a bit more to the left.

Similar outfit though I’d wager.

That’s my punting jacket


What what?

great to be sober lads


Getting older/wiser and appreciating life’s blessings.

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My small piece of boggy mid life crisis paradise fortunately being on top of a hill.


An hour to myself lying over listening to Midlake.

Great getting drunk too, to be fair. (Not being drunk though).

Is that what they’re calling downtown kinvara these days?

Getting drunk is only for mugs.


Took me 20 seconds to get that :-+1:

Whole new tourist industry sparking up in South Kinvara… Think I’ll have a bash at the white water rafting myself.

just out of bed, must be the first time I have had a lie in that didn’t involve drink in around 25 years, two heavy session in the gym yesterday, I must have been exhausted, having a bullet proof coffee now and the clarity of thought I am starting to experience is unreal


Fair play to them. They should get a lot more recognition…


The unity of the Italian spirit

Sports dailies Gazzetta dello Sport and Corriere dello Sport reported that at the request of the Italian football federation Conte and Buffon had refused to vote in Ballon d’Or because Buffon was left off the longlist


Picture of a shook looking David Drumm being denied bail again.

Robert Black is dead.

Only pity is that he didn’t suffer a worse horrific end as the numerous young girls he was responsible for.

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My brother and his wife had their first child two weeks ago, she is only gorgeaus. We are massively happy. My mother would have been over the moon, having raised three boys, the first two of which both had sons. We’ve thought of her a lot over the last few weeks. A girl in the family, finally. What a beautiful thing.


Great stuff

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Great news bud

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