Things that are right

Casillas in there and Buffon not was an absolute joke

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Thanks Lads, the brother is doubly delighted his daughter earned a Nice Post. Life doesn’t get any better.

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Going into town early on a Saturday. Having the time to talk properly to shop assistants in specialist shops. Went in to buy a mute for the trumpet. Had a lovely long chat with the assistant about trumpet playing generally. Very pleasant experience. Had my usual Saturday morning cappuccino and a read of the Indo in Brewbakers and then home.


Will you be spending the rest of the weekend blowing it Fagan?

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Some of it mate. I will be blowing the soul out of this horn.

Are you any relation of Joey the Lips, Fagan?


Only in looks. And maybe age.

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He’s a fictional character.

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You know Brewbakers has had lots of issues with H & S, yeah? And with serving gone off food?

You’re some fucking - know - it - all
The man enjoyed his morning out and about and you’re on here telling silly lies about a premises he visited.
Why are you such an epic cunt.

I only drink coffee there pal.

Super chilled morning here in Dunmore. Just back from a spin on the bike. A Sunday morning playlist blaring out on the speaker here.


I’m just waiting for the forums resident cunt to come in now and tell you that cycling will kill you.
He’s a bad bastard that horsebox lad.

PS glad you enjoyed your cycle fagan. Don’t let that killjoy get to you.



Had lunch with a 87 year old great aunt today, we were discussing the pearls of alcohol, she summarised “its a mugs game” classic! Immediately wondered if she was a tfk regular


You should set her up with @Fagan_ODowd


The perils of wisdom you only get from people who’ve lived a long life, pal.


101.7 tonight @Fagan_ODowd

What do you think is so dangerous about taking advice from old people?

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What do you think is so calcium carbonate in crystalline form about alcohol?